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a/n: I'm on a roll tonight! Three updates in less than an hour? Whoop Whoop! Anyways, I'll shut up now. I hope this makes up for the lack of updating. Enjoy! :)




            It was around three in the morning when I woke up to hushed whispers coming from outside Viktor’s room. I slowly turned onto my back and felt beside me. The spot beside me was empty, which meant Viktor was either in the bathroom or outside in the hall. Slowly sitting up, I wrapped his pale blue sheets around my body and looked around the room. The bathroom door was open and the bathroom was empty which meant Viktor was in the hall speaking with someone.

            I slid out of bed and tippy toed until I was leaning against the wall by the door.

            I pressed my ear to the cool surface and closed my eyes as I tried to concentrate.

            “What the fuck were you thinking?” I heard Conrad’s familiar voice hiss.

            “That I was about to screw a hot chick?” Came Viktor’s reply. Was it possible to roll your eyes while they were closed? Because if it wasn’t, then I had just done with impossible.

            “You need to think with the head on your shoulders and not the one between your legs dumbass!”

            “It wasn’t like she was drunk, dude. Chill the fuck out. She was looking for some fun and she came to me instead of that boyfriend of hers. When I started asking questions she was already ready to go over there and fuck him. What did you want me to do? Let her leave and fall into his hands, again?”

            “You have some screwed up logic, man.”

            “I saved her ass.” Viktor snapped.

            “And fucked it afterwards.” Conrad snapped back.

            “Don’t be jealous she didn’t ask for you.” Viktor taunted.

            My eyes snapped open and I glared at the door with such intensity I hoped it would burn the both of them. I didn’t like the way they were talking about me, but hadn’t I put myself in this situation? If I wanted to find out what Viktor, and possibly the others, knew about the night Mia died then I had to keep my mouth shut and play along with the role I had given myself.

            “Like what the hell man? I’m actually nice to her! You’re such a dick and she came to you? What type of shit is that?”

            I could picture Viktor shrugging his shoulders, “Babes always chase after the ones who play hard to get.”

            “Whatever, man.” Conrad grumbled. “Just pick up her shit from the living room. My mom is supposed to get home from work in a couple of hours and if she see’s her shit she’ll flip a lid.”

            “Yeah, yeah.”

            “Vik,” Conrad nearly yelled. “Whatever she asks, keep her in the dark.”

            It took Viktor a couple of seconds to reply, “I know. She’s safer that way.”

            As soon as the last word was out of his mouth and footsteps were audible I sprinted towards the bed, jumped in and covered myself with the covers. A few minutes later Viktor came in and dropped my jacket and ankle boots onto the floor by the door. I stirred for a few seconds before I sat up and acted as if he had woken me.

            Through slurred words, I mumbled a quick, “Come to bed.” Before I turned and hugged a pillow.

            The bed dipped a few seconds later and I felt his warmth wash over me not long after. I focused my hearing on his breathing, the steady sound of his inhales and exhales relaxing my tense muscles.

            He did know something.

            Conrad knew something.

            What if the others knew something as well?

            I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the window. The curtains were pulled back and I could see the moon in the dark sky. Even though my plan couldn’t be continued the way I had planned, I know knew he did know something. What was just something I would have to find out.

            And as Viktor stretched out his arm and pulled my body closer to his, something told me, it would take a lot to find out.

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