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            I stared at the TV and slowly reached towards the remote.

            I shut it off and stood up.

            As I stood by the window in Conrad’s living room, I watched as snow fell.

            School had released us for Thanksgiving vacation.

            It was odd that it was snowing already in November but a lot of things about the last year had been off.

            Everyone cleared out of the room, leaving me alone with Viktor.

            It seemed he was always there for me.

            I appreciated it.

            Because even when I wanted to be alone, I never wanted to be alone when he was around.

            He came up behind me and placed his hands on my tense shoulders.

            “You’re going to get through this.” He told me.

            I didn’t reply.

            “You wanted this remember?” he asked.

            I nodded and exhaled. “I was just wondering how you guys did it.”

            Silently, Vik wrapped his arms around me. “Do you want to know?”

            I leaned back into him and softly shook my head. “No. Not really.” I had wanted answers and I had gotten them. Now, I wasn’t so sure if I wanted anymore answers. I was still trying to get my mind wrapped around everything I was told.

            “If you ever do, I’ll tell you.” He whispered into my ear. “I’ll tell you everything.”

            I reached up and rested my hand over his. “Okay.” One day, maybe someday in the near future I would want to know everything, but right now I didn’t.

            I felt his lips press against my temple before he rested his chin onto my shoulder and swayed us softly as we stared out at the falling snow.

            “We’re all going to be okay.” He reassured me.

            And I nodded because I knew we were. I trusted Viktor. I trusted them all. They might be the out crowd but I was one of them as well. We were a family.

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