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            I saw the man again when Bay, Carrie and I were walking towards Carrie’s car. He stood by a black SUV, hands stuffed in a black hoodie. He looked to be in his early twenties. He had fair skin and dark hair. Even from a far I could see he was built.

            “Hey, Care.”

            “What’s up?” she asked over a mouthful of fries.

            “Do you see that guy over there?”

            I wasn’t sure if Bay and Carrie looked over to where I had told them to look. I couldn’t look away from the guy who was now making his way inside the SUV. Once he was sitting inside, I glanced over at Bay and Carrie. Carrie stood by the drivers side, looking in the direction which I had mentioned. Mouth closed and jaw set straight. Bay on the other had was sliding into the car, phone pressed to her ear.

            “Get in the car, Malia.”

            I did as I was told and quickly slid into the passenger seat of Carrie’s car. Within seconds Carrie was backing out of the parking lot, long forgetting to put on her seatbelt and the fries that tumbled off of the hood of the car and down the windshield. In the back Bay was on the phone, cursing every time someone wouldn’t answer her.

            “Malia, pass me your phone.” Bay demanded.

            “Why?” I asked from up front. I gripped my seat tighter as Carrie made a sharp turn.

            “Pass me your fucking phone!”

            I quickly tossed my phone back to her and nearly yelled out as Carrie ran a red light. “Carrie! Slow the hell down.”

            “Call Viktor!” Carrie yelled, completely ignoring me.

            “What the hell is going on?” I asked from my seat.

            “I’m trying to! Stop yelling and watch the r- Viktor! It’s Bay. Listen, he’s following us.”

            My eyebrows scrunched up, “What? Who is following us?”

            Carrie and Bay ignored my question.

            “Yes. I’m sure it was him.”

            “Who?” I asked knowing very well I wasn’t going to get a reply.

            “I told you he saw us that night!” Carrie screamed from behind the wheel.

            “Who saw you?!”

            Again my question went unanswered.

            “Shit, he’s behind us.” Bay screamed from the back seat.

            “Carrie, get on the highway. Conrad and Viktor will catch us up there.”

            “Why the high way?” I asked.

            “Because we can speed on the fucking highway!”

            Suddenly the car jerked to the left and we were on the ramp up to the highway. Carrie then pressed down on the gas pedal and sped down the freeway. Weaving around cars as she headed north.

            I glanced back and noticed the black SUV gaining on us. Holy crap, he was following us!

            “Who the fuck is following us?!” I yelled.

            “We’ll explain everything when we get somewhere safe.” Bay said and handed me my phone. “Just—just stop asking questions and let Carrie drive.”

            “Carrie is going to kill us!” I screamed as Carrie suddenly pressed down on the break, weaved to the right and accelerated all over again. I did the mistake of glancing at the speedometer. We were hitting close to a hundred.

            “We’re going to die.” I mumbled under my breath and squeezed my eyes shut.

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