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I figured, why not share a story I'd been hiding away...let me know what you all think!


   The wind blew harshly forcing the branches to scratch against a far off window, sounding like glass being scuffed continually by a knife. Still half dazed and disoriented, Zara awoke frantically. Face contorted in sheer confusion, Zara dug her fingers into the soil that lay beneath.

Placing where she was, Zara noticed an old familiar shed. She was far up in the woods from home. Zara could smell the sap from oceans of Bristlecone pine trees and other of Nevada's finest vegetation's. Waking up, a headache was her first greet. Kneeling in the middle of the woods with no recollection of how she got there was bad enough. Knowing that no one who cared knew where to find her, made Zara further troubled.

Zara fought within herself to take off. She was the fastest in her pack. She could sense that they had her surrounded like barriers and landmines. She couldn't see or hear anyone but their stench carried strong as if bathed in perfume.

Lifting herself up, Zara stood making eye contact with one of the men who stepped out into the open. She could see, by his smirk it was Renee. "Are you this malicious and conniving?" she asked Renee, directly. "If anyone thinks I'm guilty of something take me to my father." She looked around knowing there were a few others listening.

"Why such a stupid demand? Are we to respond to your hostility?"

Zara's face hardened, immediately recognizing the other voice. Zara couldn't believe how she missed his scent and furthermore not known it was him that was behind all of this. Zara could hear him walking closer; the clunking from the metal buckles of his work boots alerting her of how close.

She looked up at him intensely, keeping her voice calm.'' Mac-this is ridiculous. We all have run as one-as a pack." Zara looked around noticing more appearing, gazing at her with hatred. It was as if she'd been the destruction to their happiness. Mac had somehow created followers. His minions. "I guess it doesn't matter anymore, does it?"

No one was listening to her. Zara wanted to convince them that she never made any betrayal. A sharp pain jabbed at Zara's lower back down to her pelvis.

I have to convince them to let me go, she thought.

Zara tried to hide her pain, repositioning with her left leg slightly bent. She finally glanced up at Mac. Their eyes locked for only a second when Mac slapped Zara hard across her face leaving a painful sting that almost brought her over the edge, shaking away his slap with a snarl. Zara swiftly rubbed her face trying to take some of the sting away, almost growling in dismay. Now, was not the time to lose control. Holding back her animal instincts, Zara took the blow with resign.

Had it already come to this, she wondered.

As he stood over her, Mac's broad shoulders moved along with each breath he took. Mac always had such strong features that brought off a scent of all male and sexual.

He stepped into Zara's personal space, teeth exposed showing his dominance. "I loved you and you betray us."

One of the women standing behind him glared at Zara, praying for this day to happen. Zara didn't give her the pleasure of looking defeated, keeping her eyes on Mac. "We changed Mac, and you-'' She cut herself off not wanting to create further tension. She'd have enough anger directed at her for one day.

"Say it." He bawled at Zara not giving her room to breathe. It was as if he sucked all the clean air away. He stood inches from her face. Mac could bark a lot and bite.

Honesty was all Zara had in defense. Admittedly, anger fueled her words. "You did not notice are bond had been severed months prior because you were out sleeping with every whore that let you." She snarled, mocking him. "As if you were some royal God. And we both no, you're nothing close to that." Zara growled back at him having more of her native accent come out. She was native Indian of the Miwok tribe and her people did not back down from challenge.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now