Chapter Six

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   As dawn conveyed out its yellowish-orange horizon as if approaching up from below the ground, the sun followed along bringing out light to every corner. From all the excitement last night, Mac and a few of his minions paced throughout the room waiting for Alyssa to wake. She had been unconscious all night, since they'd found her sleeping in the dark hallway of the gas station. 

   Mac purposely killed Robert. His suspicion of Robert as an informant for Paulina was true. He knew who the vampire was. She was one of the vampires that belonged to Lucian. Mac snarled frustrated at how Lucian still haunted him by his left progenies now causing him trouble. Paulina had mesmerized Alyssa by diminishing her into coma-like sleep, after she obtained the information she was seeking.

   Mac pushed his chest out straightening his shoulders as he gave a presumptuous glance at his few minions bent over Alyssa, with dread. He didn't like to be considered equal to any of them and carried on lurking about; leaving his discomforting magic around them, in reminder of his Alpha position. They were in a spare room inside of Mac's home. Alyssa lay in the bed slumbered, similar to how a mother would sleep after a long night of dealing with a crying baby. "What's taking her so God damn long to wake?"He was a hostile and unforgiving man. Mac growled out now moving by a open window that brought in more sun. He opened the shades wider thinking fresh air would help her wake.

   The sun moved along the sky rising further above; bringing more shine into the room. When the sunlight touched upon Alyssa skin it brought light shadows around her curvy shaped figure as if the dark was escaping from her body. "Mac—looks like she's waking up," Sean said from the other side of the bed. He was second in line to becoming the Alpha, if the opportunity presented itself. As long as Mac was around he would never get that chance. Mac would never give up being Alpha freely and would kill anyone to stay in his position. Of course every Alpha was like that, yet Mac had a much devious and deadly way of maintaining his Alpha status. Sean followed Mac's lead, but despised him underneath. He knew Mac was a malicious and sometimes unstable Alpha who cared nothing about the pack but the power that came with it. And that was not what the pack needed.

   Mac took a few steps closer to her, waiting for her to open her eyes. Impatient from waiting all night, he smacked her across her face waking her up faster. "Open your fucking eyes," Mac told her in a commanding voice.

   Alyssa still in a state of bewilderment focused her eyes on Mac, watching the blurred form shape more into him. "Where am I?" she asked examining the room noticing right away it was not hers'. "Did we"—silencing her voice she reconsidered the whole assumption tactic of her and Mac sleeping together—"we cover up any evidence at the gas station."

   Mac ignored her question giving her a menacing expression. "What happened inside of the gas station? I only left you there to confirm who his informant was, you were suppose to report back to me." Alyssa was about to speak when Mac placed his finger over her mouth, like a child being chastised. "I wasn't finished." He watched as she winced at his tone and smiled thinly, feeding off of her fear. "I do not want you to leave any details out. Speak."

   Sean hunched over Alyssa, warning her with a fleeting look to do what Mac ordered. Renee stood under the door sending away a couple other Weres and making sure no one approached.

   Alyssa thought of all that happened the night and how she would tell him. After a deep breath she started speaking. Alyssa told him how she wanted to do more for him by killing the vampires that were involved. When it came time to telling him of how she was controlled, she began to hesitate. She lifted her fingers to her mouth biting at her nails.

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