Chapter Twenty-Four

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Miles turned facing toward his fellow pack not giving his father any attention. He wanted to speak but knew with Maia standing beside him she would not let that happen. Perhaps she was right. Truthfully, this wasn't his fight. This wasn't about how his fathers treated him all his life. This was about what his father did to Kaliska and her family. That included Paulina and even Mona. Mac killed their sire.
   Miles didn't need to be a vampire to understand what that meant.
   Maia felt the power creeping out of Kaliska like a small fire increasing. Mac deserved punishment. In all the years of living, Maia seen a variety of pack laws. Life had been a bit modernized but death was still an option.
   "Ay don't be wanting to harm all yer pack. Mac and a few of his puppies is all ay want." Mona smiled cheeky as if trying to sale her case and argument.
A few snickered not believing anything coming from her mouth.
   "You two are cowards," one of the pack snarled. Maia could understand their loss of trust in her to a slight belief. but once she explained maybe things would change. Others just stood quiet. They didn't know the truth and Maia took no offense to their confused state.
   "Many have known me for over a century. Others less. But I have never changed my ways. I have always done my absolute to protect this pack." Maia needed them to open their minds so that Kaliska and the vampires can speak without total rejection. "Everything I have done, is for this pack. And though many of you would not want to defy Mac...think of who you trust more."
Mac growled as if ready to snap his own sons' neck and Maia's. Maia would like to see him try. "Because you are my son, I will ignore all you've done and give you one last chance. Let her go and stand beside me." Mac didn't bother trying to defend himself, he believed because he was Alpha that meant his actions didn't need any explanation. Far as Maia, he could give no fucks about her future.

"You are a sinister man. You had no reason to come after her." Miles growled back looking at his father. "Think of how he's treated a lot of you. He doesn't care about any of us, he cares about power."
   Maia nodded at Miles, giving him that much to speak. He did touch on good points. Now it was time for him to stay quiet.
Kaliska could feel their eyes staring at her but kept her body position tall and strong showing dominance. That was partly her hybrid having the ability to stare back but also her. Kaliska never backed from a challenge and wasn't going to now.

Maia continued, gaining more interest from his pack as they watched her. "She is the daughter of Zara Kalisk Sitala; granddaughter of Ganaraj, our Alpha before Mac." Instantly they all began to mutter in disbelief carrying on in small conversations amongst themselves.

"I don't believe this lie," another werewolf yelled out, and a few others agreed.

Mac looked almost relieved to know a few still lingered on his side. "I wouldn't waste my time believing them—they've probably been compelled by her. She almost killed Alyssa for no reason other than she was in her way. This hybrid will try to do the same to all of you if we allow her to live." Mac moved closer to Kaliska.

"Why would I lie?" Maia asked directly to the werewolves. "You've never heard of this because Mac has been telling lies for years and he was never planning to tell any of you."

"He is our Alpha, we would feel his corruption toward us if he lied," another said back.

"Mac has mastered manipulation with years of practice." Maia eased her breathing. "Like me, a lot of you were Zara—her family. Do you really believe that story he told all of you?"

Kaliska just watched as Mac remained silent not letting his rage erupt. She looked over to Maia who was gazing at her, hoping that if they survived this night she could figure out what to do about their feelings.

Mac took another few steps closer to Kaliska having Mona jump in front. "Look, they bring vampires to our territory. These are the same vampires who killed Robert."

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