Chapter Nineteen

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Finding out from Mac's second in command, Sean that Kaliska was attacked by Mac and his groupies last night infuriated Maia so much, the only impulse was telling her was to attack. She'd stayed under Mac's authority out of comfort of being in the last place she felt like home. Since Zara'a disappearance over twenty years ago it was now definite that the wait was worth it.

Maia held her tongue all this time because she did not want to find reasons to challenge Mac and take over. She was stronger and far more passionate about the pack. Maia wasn't an Alpha though and wouldn't pretend.

Her time standing by was over. She walked up to Mac's home ready to find some answers.
"Wait a minute." Iris held both hands up, blocking Maia from the entrance. She looked to the house, facing Maia; dread in her eyes. She knew Maia wasn't here to just have conversation.
"I bet that son of a bitch is going to pretend I'm not here. Too afraid to really face me." Maia shouted loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Maia...whatever you plan. Don't. He has way to many followers. And even half of them don't know the truth. They will protect Mac before you even make it through the door." Iris was right and yet Maia didn't care.

"I didn't question you before. Never." Maia snarled, staring up at the second floor window. She knew Mac was in there. "Why did you mate with him?"

Iris shrugged. "He's handsome."

Snorting, Maia wasn't naive to believe that. "Zara said he had passion. And strong."

Reading the underlying message Iris nodded. "He does."

"Too much...he kills to get what he wants."

Frowning, Iris pulled Maia further away from the door.

"Don't look at me surprised, Iris." Maia pitched the bridge of her nose. She needed to shove her wolf back. Too much of her wolf was appearing. "If I would have known--" Maia shook her head. "It all makes sense now. Mac found out that Zara was in love with a vampire. Now. You didn't know Mac back then." She stepped closer, lowering her voice, "he was young and desperate for power. And reckless. He's even worse to keep it. Can you imagine what would happen if someone made him look like a fool. Like...he wasn't good enough."

Maia waited for an answer. She felt like such an idiot for not being there for Zara.
It was easy to pretend otherwise but Iris knew Maia was right. The thought of Mac not doing anything was foolish.
"Say you're right..."
"I am," Maia snarled adamant.
Iris groaned. "Miles won't heal for another few hours. He could tell us more when he wakes."
Scowling, Maia disagreed. "Miles is but a naive wolf. Young and not respectful of his elders. Anyone who thinks they have it all figured out is a waste of my time in asking if anything."
That hurt to hear. Iris cherish Miles even though he was not her son. But Maia was also right. "What is your next step other than challenging Mac?"
"Do you know what happened to Kaliska?"
Iris studied her friend. She pursed her lips. "What would Zara say if she knew your desires for her daughter?"
Stepping in closer, Maia whispered. "You can play this I'm completely straight game. But...I won't waste my time pretending anything. Zara has always respected me more for that and would be happy to know her daughter would be treated with all she deserves." Maia never meant to sound harsh. Iris was her friend. They were lovers before she met Mac and moved on to him.
Iris flickered her eye lashes, taking a step back. Maia still had a way with making Iris short of breath. "I had to do what I needed to gain the position." Maia stood straight, pushing pass this specific conversation. "Kaliska. Do you know where she is?"
She shook her head. "All I can say is...vampires were searching for her too. Lucian's progenies."
Maia considered.
"I know that look. If you go to those vampires. That would be considered treason."
Maia snorted, bemused and not concerned in the slightest. "You think I give a fuck about Mac and his feelings. I'll talk later."


"Who's calling?"
The Irish accent confused Maia as the woman picked up.
She cleared her throat. "I'm Maia. I Mac's pack. Upon reaching the conclusion that he is a lying piece of Shit...I wanted to ask permission to come and discuss future arrangements."
"Future. Ye seem ready to twist the blokes head off now." The woman chuckled in the phone.
"If I don't come up with something soon...I just might."
The line went quiet. Maia hoped this vampire was talking to her sister.
"Ye free to come by night."
Relieved, Maia whispered her gratitude hanging up.


Standing on the porch of a vampires home was the last thing she would have done a week ago. A week ago she didn't know Zara was still alive or knew Kaliska existed.
Repeatedly, Maia tried calling Kaliska's phone coming up with no results.
Here she was now, hoping they'd help find where Kaliska was and strategize about taking Mac out.
The door opened and Maia frowned dissipated by the sight of Kaliska standing before her with a smile of her own. Maia prematurely stepped closer and accidentally stepped on Kaliska's foot. Maia blew out, stepping back embarrassed. She was too eager to play casual.
Absently, Maia lifted her hand, grazing her fingertips over Kaliska's cheek. "If I would have known..." Maia shook her head upset with herself for not seeing sooner.
Kaliska's smile was mesmerizing. "It's okay. I'm okay."
"Are you?" Maia smiled.
"How old are you?"
Maia snorted. "Is my age going to be a problem for you?"
Pursing her lips, Kaliska playfully considered. "You left early. And I replayed everything in my head. I wanted to find you."
Nodding, understanding, "I don't play games and I don't do triangles."
Kaliska caught what Maia was saying. She lowered her head. She sucked in a breath facing Maia again. She didn't want to be a coward.
There were differences between Miles and Maia. One being, Maia was all serious and understanding and Miles wasn't. Miles understood things like family issues, but that was all they had in common. And even wasn't the same. Maia seemed to understand that and more. What it means to be truly accepted. To be independent. A woman and independent.
Kaliska needed to stand on her own two feet and not have someone gunning to play the top; the dominant. Mike's meant well but Kaliska couldn't be his reason to finally face his own struggles.
Admitting now...Kaliska was attracted to this woman. She knew what that meant now. After Mona and Paulina explained everything, it all made sense.
Kaliska felt close to Miles. Wanted to be near him. Desired his touches at times. Felt sync. But that's how werewolves were to each other. A pack. They all thrived off of each other. Craved to run as one and belong to each other. Didn't have to be sexual desire to do so.
What Kaliska felt for Maia was different. She wanted all that with Maia and more. Maia was beautiful. Dark haired and green eyes to get lost in. Her heart nearly stopped and made her weak every time Maia was close. Those lips. Damn.
"You still didn't tell me how old you are."
Maia smiled. "Why do you want to know?"
" that I know the truth...about everything...I want to know you. The true you."
Maia considered. Kaliska said she knew everything. "What is everything?"
Kaliska smiled. "That's another reason why I like you." It was easy for Kaliska to openly say though that only made her nervous. "You've never lied to me or tried to swoop in and be my hero."
Someone spoke from a far to Kaliska, telling her to let Maia in. Smiling shyly, "I'm sorry. Come in."
"I'm a hundred and ten."
Kaliska twisted her head, taking a double glance at Maia, perplexed. "You're a what?"
Maia laughed. "My age. One hundred and ten." She left Kaliska to soak that in.



Seeing Maia was a breath of fresh air. Now realizing her true feelings she knew more than anything she had to talk to Miles. Maia wasn't the kind of woman who would kiss her only for Kaliska to go back and kiss Miles. Not that Kaliska really wanted to ever kiss Miles.
Hearing that Maia was one hundred and ten did make Kaliska think a little too hard.
"Are ye waiting for that bloke to come to?" Mona asked annoyed by that thought.
Kaliska leaped a fraction, blowing out slowly. "No." She closed the door.
"It do be making me happy to know ye not foostering with that cub. His blood is tainted and he seems to be a smothering no it all."
Kaliska smiled, awkwardly. "He's a good guy. And how do you know..."
Mona tapped her index finger against her ear and then Kaliska's chest. "I feel and could hear what you truly want." Mona put her arm over Kaliska's shoulder, walking toward the dining room where Maia sat with Paulina. She peeked in. "She is a tad older but...far more worthy."
Smiling weakly, Kaliska nodded without saying saying word.
They walked in. Maia looked over to Kaliska walking in.
The way her eyes watched her. Yep. Kaliska had it figured out now. She not only wanted Maia. She needed her. Something deep inside her...needed Maia.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now