Chapter Twenty-One

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The night air turned into a cold chill and with the wind picking up anyone outside wouldn't be out for long. It had nearly been an hour since Kaliska and everyone had left Lucian Manor. They all sat impatiently in a dark Sudan truck that Latham had picked them up in and was now waiting in front of a business office that one of Mac's pack members worked at.

It was a small office building that read, RC Insurance for life. Renee Combs was the owner of the business and also Mac's third in command of the Blackwater werewolf pack. Of course his business was a scam and a way to cover his tracks for money laundering for Mac.

"Ye sure he's here?" Mona asked squeezing her hands together holding back her eagerness to kill. If an opportunity presented itself she wouldn't let it pass up.

Miles just nodded hoping Renee would come out soon so Mona could stop hounding him.

Kaliska just sat back against the seat not making a sound. Maia said she would meet them later; finding recruits.

 What would Kaliska do if face with death again? Run? Fight? She wasn't sure, but knew she would find out soon enough.

Paulina sat quiet in the front passenger seat as if she had been on many stakeouts—patient and tranquil.

Latham sat across from her hands on the wheel in case they had to make a quick getaway. Latham didn't trust most and trusting Miles; a werewolf, was asking a lot. He kept his eyes alert never lowering his guard; accept on the occasion to glance at Mona.

Kaliska closed her eyes for a moment trying to imagine her life the afternoon before, when she still thought she was human. She never felt normal, but at least she was human and now thinking about it she was still not normal even to the supernatural side; being half vampire-half werewolf was not normal.

Lucky me.

Miles reached over touching Kaliska arm reassuring her. Instinctively, Kaliska moved her arm away. "I can't even touch you now?"

   "Not when it's for the wrong reasons." Kaliska narrowed her eyes. "Let's focus on what we came to do."

Kaliska opened her eyes but didn't turn to face Miles. She could feel his stare and at this moment wished she wasn't in the car with him. It was his father who was causing all her problems and wanted her dead. She knew it wasn't Miles fought and rather she'd ever met Miles or not, eventually his father would have still found her. At least this way he was on her side along with basically her new family she just met—vampires. Go figure.

She already grown to love Paulina and Mona—Mona more so, being sired to her. She still didn't understand what that really meant, but would find out if she made it through the night. Kaliska smiled softly trying to make it look sincere. "I am glad your here Miles."

 Some part of Kaliska wasn't fully herself and she could feel that other side of her on edge, ready to do her part if needed. The feeling was uncomfortable. Reasons unknown Kaliska wanted to hide from what lay within. Being controlled by some other half of her didn't make things easier.

"Why do you think this guy, Renee, will tell us anything?" Latham said biting back his rage that sizzled a bit through the truck. Vampires had a sort of magical energy wave that emanated out for any other vampire to sense. The stronger a vampire, the bigger the magical wave felt to others.

Miles focusing on Latham's question faced forward not hesitating to make eye contact. "Renee is a sneaking asshole, and at the end he only cares for himself. He wouldn't die for my father."

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now