Chapter Seven

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It had not been an hour when she heard movement coming from behind her. Scared that it was a predator launching for her, by how fast the movement was she jumped over to a tree shielding her body from the approaching steps.

"Kaliska," a voice called out to her.

Peaking, she gazed around the tree noticing instantly it was Miles. "You found me." Like a child lost in a zoo from her parents she scurried over to Miles embracing herself into his warm body. She could smell the fresh lavender he showered his skin.

"Kaliska let me check you." Miles scanned thoroughly over her body for any injuries and when he saw known hugged her again. "You scared me."

"I scared you," Kaliska laughed. "I scared myself."

Not wanting to linger much longer Miles pointed in the direction they needed to go. If anyone knew how dangerous these woods were, Miles definitely knew. Without warning he swoop her up, cradling her across his arms. Her feet dangled on one side as her hair flowed on the opposite.

When they finally approached his bike she admired it right away. "Got one myself." She pointed to his bike acknowledging her meaning.

"Seems we have a lot in common," Miles said carrying her to it. He kept a straight face but Kaliska could see a smile emerging from him.

Instantly sensing his gaze, for the first time Kaliska didn't possess the urge to become impulsive, like she normally did to men who stared. Wasn't that she hated men, or that they did anything wrong. Kaliska always had the ability to sense intentions, lies, and even peoples thoughts at times; and men were typically the ones who had ill thought against her. Honestly, it was more than that. She just found none of them appealing and their was no connection that she needed from any of those men. In many situations Kaliska knew if she didn't have those abilities she would be dead right now. She smiled softly letting small lines appear from the corner of her eyes putting one hand over her face in embarrassment.

Miles watched, wondering what she was thinking. "What's so funny?" he asked curiously.

"I was just thinking; before I met you, I had no interest in a man's presence around me. Not even a conversation." Keeping her head covered by her fingers dug into her forehead, she chuckled like she had an inside joke only she knew.

"So you aren't into guys?" Miles asked hesitantly already regretting his words.

Kaliska gave him an amusing glare then waited for him to put her on his bike. She never considered that question. She couldn't give him an answer just yet. Mila liked to tell Kaliska how she thought she was gay. But Kaliska never considered that an option too.

Following her line of sight, Miles proceeded to the path of his bike and when they reached it, he shifted his arms for her to mount his bike.

After she was safely on he squeezed in between her driving her off, back to the family she ran out on.

"Okay, didn't know I was that close to my house," Kaliska said. It took barely five minutes for them to pull up in front of her home and she was not prepared to go inside. "I can't do this."

Miles mounted off his bike turning to pull Kaliska off as well. "Why?" Miles searched her face for some type of explanation. "Did you leave freaking them out?"

"Look at me Miles. I ran out the house like this." Kaliska threw her hands out as if telling him, look at me. "Now I'm about to go inside even worse."

"You tell them you went for a run and got lost."

"How do I explain the blood?"

Miles examined Kaliska shirt then her hands stained with blood. If she walked in her home appearing like that her family would assume she attacked and killed some poor bystander who got in her way, during one of her famous mood swings.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now