Chapter Five

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   The moon shimmered in the sky giving its small light to the earth that lay beneath. It touched everything that wasn't covered by the dark shadowy trees. The weather had quickly shifted from a light breeze to a cold chill that drifted along the trees branches like hair being blow-dried. Mona lay on the couch, with her feet dangling over the side as she polished her fingernails.

"Last night was grand," she said taking in a soft inhale to blow gently on her polished nails. "Wish I had a run in with a fine looking bloke." She blew on her nails admiring them. "Always a next time."

   Paulina was sitting quietly by the coffee table that was angled close to the stairs heading up to the bedrooms. Paulina arched a brow at Mona. "We are not going out tonight so get that idea out your head." Paulina looked impatient as if she were waiting for her number to be called at a DMV. She wore a silky black skirt that cut below her knees, and a dark blue Studio M Top. Her hair was pinned back into a bun with bangs cut right above her green eyes. She should have been a lawyer many times over. Paulina had that sharp yet elegant look.

   Mona twisted her head awkwardly to face Paulina, and gave a playful frown. "Why are ye so narky? No fun in ye blood." Mona shifted her head back into its original position, focusing back on her nails. "If Lucian was here— oh never mind."

After a moment of silence, a knock lifted both Paulina and Mona's heads up.

"Grand. Took the bloke long enough." Mona threw her legs to the floor and leaped for the door ready to finish their business up so she could go out. He opened it before she could touch the knob. "Ye do be opening doors without permission."

"I apologize for scaring you. Did not know, I, Latham could worry you so much," he said sarcastically, looking her up and down. Latham stood in the doorway with a lean body that looked solid as steel. His firm chest and lean abs pinched through his v-neck t-shirt as if dying to be noticed, with his biceps fully exposed to Mona's sight. He only stood about five feet-seven inches but with strong features like his, that made up for his height. Mona couldn't help but stare admiring his body.

Not wanting to stare too long Mona moved her eyes up to his, considering if she should take the mean route. Mona being her usual self couldn't help but be rude. "Yer such an arse. I can't stand a joker."

   Latham crossed his arms having the outcome display a toned structure on his triceps leading down to his forearm; making Mona distracted for nearly a second. "Are you going to invite me in? I would just walk in but seeing how I've already tickled your spine, I rather wait for my invitation." He beamed at Mona to let her know he was talking directly to her with a smile protruding from the corner of his mouth.

"Sure ye can." Mona widen the door further, just enough for him to squeeze in. "I might need to refill me baby power in me bag, before we head out anywhere," she told herself closing the door.

They walked over to the couch and Mona and Paulina sat down while Latham sat on a recliner across.

"I'll get straight to the point," Latham said. He gave Mona a quick glance, looking at her red hair blooming over her face like it was the most radiant sight he had ever seen. He understood why men drowned themselves in front of her. Although none of them were ever good enough for her, in her eyes, and in his.

Paulina grunted at him, noticing his stare. "Are you going to tell us?"

"Right." He directed his eyes facing more in between Mona and Paulina. "You know that this manor hasn't been in full operation in years. And you know our Monarch has let you both stay here for so long out of respect to Lucian. But no vampire comes here anymore. It's supposed to be a place for other vampires to come for safety, and support."

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now