Chapter Fifteen

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"Kaliska, I want you to be happy the way you are now. Whatever you learn tonight—you're still you." Miles pulled her in tighter not wanting to let her go. They were standing diagonal from a parking structure where they left his bike, heading through a hiking trail.

"I will always be me Miles; nothing can change that."

"Yes, some things can change you, but it's how you deal with the change that counts. You can still experience happiness; have the kind heart you have now."

Kaliska snorted. "I wouldn't go that far." She nodded though still sure of herself that nothing could be so drastic to change who she was, completely. She hugged herself as the wind grew drafty around them. Branches made crackling sounds as if they were snapping apart.

"I should have told you to change your clothes before we left." Miles took off his jacket wrapping it around her then pulled her closer to him.

"I'm going to develop a jacket collection if you keep giving me one." Kaliska grinned keeping her eyes toward the path. It was dark. Somehow Kaliska's vision worked slightly with the darkness than against it. She squinted, staring long toward the trees. There were only two paths. The one they came through and another leading the opposite direction.

"I got more to spare," Miles responded.

"Where are we going?"

"There's a perfect spot. It's a place I go to when I need to become ... more of me."

Kaliska arched a brow at Miles then shrugged her prying question away. Thinking of something new to say she laughed leaving Miles confound. "You're not a part of some cult or anything? I'm telling you now, that's not my thing."

Miles grinned not surprised she would deem that as her fate. "It depends on your definition of a cult. I do have a pack."

What was that supposed to mean?

Reaching to a small set up that looked to be an old camp ground they stopped a few feet from a fire pit. Fresh wood was already left inside. Miles must have come here earlier to have the wood already set—beats going around in the dark looking for some. He knelt down and started the fire with matches.

Miles looked around as the trees seemed to ambush them from every direction. Miles tilted his head straight up into the sky with the full moon nearly to its peak. Kaliska looked up watching the moon shifting. Miles seemed distant. "The full moon, I presume?"

Miles looked down at her speaking unevenly. "You never notice the moon? The effect it gives you?"

Kaliska considered his question looking wearily and a bit hesitant with her response. "I have noticed the moon, of course. I'm not oblivious to its existence." Somehow she had more to speak out the moon then she realized. "I guess I've always noticed the moons pattern—when it was a full or new one—that kind of thing."

"It's not something you notice. It's something that is a part of you. Same as knowing when to eat. You feel that hunger; however small it is, and you just know you're hungry."

Kaliska shivered unmoving, as if something inside her was rattling. Maybe it was nerves, or the cold, or how Miles looked so envelop in his whole philosophy of the moon.

"This sounds crazy to you?" Miles looked at Kaliska's blank expression then smiled, curling his lips just a little. Giving her a moment, he straightened up showing more of a serious expression. "How do you feel?"

"I'm the same as I was ten minutes ago." Kaliska was not too keen on staying out here much longer and was getting slowly annoyed. "Just more freaked out," She whispered under her breath. "It looks like it's going to rain?"

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now