Chapter Two

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   Kaliska's phone began vibrating underneath her pillow. She always seemed to sleep with the phone under her—always attached to it, as if waiting for an important call. Kaliska laid flat on her stomach feeling around for it. Saturdays were always her day of rest. Her sleeping habits nocturnal.

The caller I.D read Mila number. Kaliska answered it before the ringing stopped. "Hello. You know I was sleep, right?" Kaliska said still trying to release out her morning yawns.

"Well, yeah. I can't control that society believes daylight is the time to be up." Mila was excellent at being sarcastic.

Kaliska wanted to comment back but let that one go. She'll get Mila later. "Touché. What's going on?"

"Glad you asked that." Mila was always excited when it came to sharing gossip. "You will not believe what happened last night."

Kaliska had some idea, but could only hope it was not what she was thinking. "What happened?" she said keeping an unknowingly response. Kaliska shifted around, leaning her back against the backboard of her bed.

"That dude that was hitting on you last night; he was found outside crying like a bitch." Mila made a soft giggle almost pleased to have seen him like that. She lived for news. Kaliska mentioned a few times that Mila should get into being a news reporter.

Last night was unexpected. The strength Kaliska possessed was temporary. Once she got home, she even tested her strength again failing. The asshole deserved being put in his place. Kaliska sighed taking those insensitive thoughts from her head. Kaliska knew she could have killed him and that was no laughing matter. It was easy for her to get angry. Strong impulses to fight before thinking had been a battle not yet won for years. Kaliska had her good days. Evidently, last night; or technically earlier this morning was not her good day. "Did he say who attacked him?" if she was being factual, he did attack her first. Kaliska still felt guilty.

"Nope. For some reason he isn't talking." Mila responded back with almost a curiosity in her voice.

Kaliska considered he probably cared more about his pride and didn't want anyone knowing a woman caused him so much physical pain. "Oh well. Too bad." Kaliska was trying to sound sympathetic.

"Yeah, I guess so." Mila cleared her throat as if she had something on her mind. "Um, Kalisk—you been all right, lately?"

Kaliska knew she was going through some new phase of transitioning that had been having her friends concerned. Kaliska was open to her friends yet always kept a certain amount of secrets never spoken aloud. There were some things she rather not share. It would only freak them out if they heard the truth. "I'm okay," she lied. "Look Mila, I have to go. You know my mom. She'll be at my door any moment."

After a few more words exchanged, Kaliska finally hung up tossing the phone on the bed. She put her head back against the pillow trying to prepare her mind for the new day. Officially looking at the time it was one in the afternoon. Sleep ruined it was no point in trying to fall back to sleep.

"Honey, it's time to wake up—long day ahead for you." A thin voice shouted through her door.

Kaliska could hear her mother walking down the stairs. She faced toward the window, showing the landscape of their front lawn. Watching as the sun beamed through her window, it inched closer. She frowned not a fan of the sun. It could be sixty degrees with little sun and Kaliska was known for getting sunburn. "I can wake myself up," she said as if arguing with someone who was obviously not there anymore. Trying to scoot out of bed she felt a discordant throbbing pain coming from her shoulder. The feeling was discomforting. "Damn it," she muttered in frustration, trying to rub around the pain.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now