Chapter Four

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   When Kaliska's parents came into the living room they sat down both on the low wooden glass table placed in front of the couch Kaliska's and Jake were sitting on. They wanted to gain her full attention. The closer they sat to her, the more attention gained. Kaliska was always aware of her own space.

   They all sat quietly for some time as if digesting their thoughts.

   Kaliska didn't care to discuss anything with her parents and wasn't planning to. She was guilty of everything she was accused of, although it was self-defense. She wouldn't make her parents feel bad for not believing her false truths. Yet she wanted to get rid of the event in her mind and discussing it was not going to help. more than that, Kaliska was no longer a child.

   Kaliska stood up, heading out when her mother caught her by the arm. Impulsively, Kaliska snatched away, quickly realizing she had offended her mother. Offending her wasn't an accurate word to use. "I'm sorry. It's not you. I just don't have time for this." Kaliska fixed the positioning of her shirt still having a few button unhooked. Her mother put her head down. Disappointment stained her mothers eyes. "What do you want from me?"

   When her mother didn't answer her father did in her place. "Honey we know you did nothing wrong, and even if you did we're sure it was in self-defense."

"But"—she added, knowing that wasn't the end.

"We just think ... if you don't put yourself in those positions you wouldn't have to worry about days like this."

"Ah—I see." She looked over at Jake seeing he had thought the same thing deep down. Kaliska gave off a dry laugh tears beginning to form but somehow stuck in place. "You're all right," Kaliska agreed. She was never one to lie to herself even when it was the easiest thing to do. The moment she had broken the guys' collar bone she had thought the same thing they were thinking now. Could have called for help or never embarrassed him that harshly.

   It freaked Kaliska out but she couldn't help being that way. Being challenged and faced with intense moments seemed natural for her. It was not like something you would hear a person commonly say, over why they stole something. Like it was a, I just can't help it, symptom of a disorder. But for Kaliska it was bigger than that. Like a wolf that could not help but hunt its prey, Kaliska thought. It was a part of her. Sometimes it did feel like a hunt. And that was definitely thrilling. The inside of Kaliska felt alive and exhillerating like a passion that was meant to be pursued.

   She didn't wait for them to say anything else, continuing to her room. Kaliska closed the door gently and when she was alone, the tears began to pour out. Kaliska hated this emptiness. She always felt like a burden to her family and at this moment she really was. Not knowing who she really was felt like a burden within itself. Kaliska wanted more. Something was missing. She leaned against the wall sidling the door and slid down to the floor. Shielding herself from the sun light peeking through her window, Kaliska pulled her legs into her chest.

Why am I like this, she sobbed. Self-pity sucked.


A chunk of hours had past. Kaliska had fallen asleep sitting slouched by her door when her phone rang. Waking up from the vibration of her phone still in her pocket, Kaliska noticed it was dark. She slept the whole day. Reaching into her pocket Kaliska pulled her phone out answering. Kaliska waited for someone to speak, not recognizing the number.

"Hey, Kaliska—this is Miles, from—''

"I remember you," she said interrupting him in a low voice. She didn't want to give off any hint that something was wrong. Kaliska cleared her voice taking in a muffled sigh.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now