Chapter Fourteen

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Kaliska felt so relaxed standing beside Miles. She twined her arm into his preparing to give anyone who was waiting down stairs the, I'm surprised smile. Her friends were never good at surprising her but Kaliska let them be them. She appreciated their friendship.

Miles liking Kaliska's excitement grinned pleased. He wanted the world to know she was his and no better way of doing that starting now. He leaned in sweeping a kiss over her forehead as they made their way pass the living room toward the den. "You're going to have an awesome night."

"My friends can't even throw me a surprise birthday party," Kaliska cackled.

Through the den led to the backyard and Kaliska raised a brow at her father wondering how this would play out. "Try to look surprise," her father said moving in front of them to open the den screen door.

Walking through the den, Kaliska could feel the vibrant colors percolating through the walls and the fusion sounds emerging closer. Kaliska squeezed Miles tighter not knowing what to expect on the other end.

Frank turned to Kaliska watching the anticipation thrive from her like a child having their first pet. "You've always been special, and you will experience so much that no one could ever imagine. I think your friend here"—looking up at Miles—"knows that much. And I know you will do your best to keep her safe."

Miles gazed at Frank trying to read between the hidden messages and nodded.

Getting to the main event, Frank pulled open the sliding door to the backyard as Kaliska and Miles followed. When Kaliska turned the short corner to the backyard her eyes watered before she could swallow in the entire scenery. It looked as if the backyard stretched endless in varies directions. There were balloons and streamers placed high above the walls of the outside layer of the house and along the huge gate that circled around and much more heading underneath the huge tent that stretched from each end of the yard. The tables for the food and drinks were lined against the gate all the way to the opposite end where she stood. A half dozen more tables were split between both sides of the yard leaving a huge space for dancing; if anyone was going to, which Kaliska guaranteed. There were LED lights placed in the center of the yard where the huge space laid underneath, giving it a club dance floor vibe.

Once she was done admiring everything, the first thing she wanted to do was huge her friends. A DJ began playing music and slowly everyone moved to the beat of it; rather they were talking in a corner or actually dancing. Miles pulled her hand up to his mouth grazing a kiss over it. Mila and Rosalie came jumping from the side followed by her mother and Jake. "This is—''

"Not what you expected," Rosalie finished. Rosalie quickly scoped Kaliska and Miles out along with Mila. "Damn. You are thee beauty and the beast," she snickered. "No wonder it took you so long to get her down those stairs," she added winking at Miles.

Miles blanched momentarily then grinned.

Kaliska chuckled still overwhelmed by the atmosphere of the party. "Thanks a lot for this party. It's amazing."

Jake hit Miles on the shoulders having Miles snap his head swiftly with defense—a werewolf thing. "My bad, didn't mean to alarm you."

Miles changed his expression quickly and laughed. "Nah, but it was a little unexpected." He gave one last reassured smirk then turned his focus to Kaliska.

"Don't go overboard sis." Jake elbowed Kaliska on her arm, winking at her.

"Overboard with what?—'' Miles asked curiously.

Jake noticed her avoiding the question and answered for her. It was only far he bringing it up. "When she's having too much of a good time, she snorts a lot." Jake grinned watching her give him a, I'm going to kick your ass later look, but continued anyway. "Bro when it's really bad every word you hear is followed by a snort. She makes some loud ass ones."

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now