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Taking Maia by the hand, Kaliska pulled her through the doors of her favorite bar.
The Tilt was the hot spot for having fun. It took Kaliska a week to feel up to getting out and finally meeting up with her friends.
Two weeks of hibernating and begging Maia to give Kaliska time on going out finally came to an end. She wasn't ready to face anyone. Deep down, Kaliska was terrified by what she was.
Mona kept preaching the soon Kaliska went on to accept who she was verses thinking to be possessed things would get easier. That was a hard request.
Maia stopped their motion in the doorway. "You are still you...in here." Maia pointed to Kaliska's chest. "There are new parts of you...but don't try to hide who you've always been. Especially to your friends."
It was hard hearing what Maia was saying. Instead of pulling away, Kaliska leaned into Maia. Their foreheads pressed.
"Kaliska. Girl, why you standing at the doorway?" Mila waved them over.
Kaliska hadn't told them about Maia and her yet. She told them she wasn't with Miles. They had a bunch of questions and promised to tell them tonight. Maia was sweet enough to come and support her and be the visual proof Kaliska needed.
They walked up to the table. Mila and Rosalie studied them both, curious to the closeness between them. Somehow, Mila knew not to flirt with Maia. She didn't know why, she only had a feeling. An inch that told her to keep her distance.
"We got you both a beer."
Rosalie smiled handing Kaliska her drink as well as Maia's. Getting to the point, "something you want to tell us?"
Automatically, Kaliska's mind went to her hybrid. Her heart raced with anxiety.
"I guess I'm a dead giveaway," Maia teases, bringing KalIska's mind back to focus.
Kaliska looked at Maia, mentally thanking her for starting off. She blushed, facing her friends. Grow some balls. "I..." Kaliska cleared her throat, standing straighter. "As I got to know Maia...I realized, I like her." I smile sheepish. "Meaning...I want to be with her." Kaliska blushes again, reaching in to grab her hand.
"And Miles?" Mila asked, trying smile to ease up any rudeness she was making.
"Miles, is Miles. Haven't seen him in the last few weeks. Hopefully we can be friends."
For a minute, Mila and Rosalie stared at Kaliska, not showing any emotion until they began chuckling. Kaliska frowned. Rosalie pulled a twenty from her back pocket, handing it to Mila.
Kaliska frowned, confused by their action. "What are you doing?"
"The night if your birthday party," Rosalie started, "I saw a look I'd never seen before."
"What look?" I said, defensively.
"The look of jealousy. You hated how Mila talked about...Maia." Rosalie smiled to Maia.
"Rosalie said every time I touched you...Kaliska's eyes bulge out ready to pull me off." Mila snorted. "I didn't believe her."
Kaliska rolled her eyes. "Whatever."
"Seems your friends know you more than you considered," Maia teased.
"Seems so." Kaliska grinned.
It was great. Spending time with her friends. She missed them. Having Maia here was the icing on the top. Maia was right. Kaliska was still her.
It was amazing being in her favorite bar. Occasionally, Kaliska would lean in and kiss Maia. There was a need. Now wasn't the time, but soon Kaliska would take their relationship to the next step. She wanted Maia. That dark and sexy appeal made her hybrid even come out many times when they'd kiss more than a few seconds too long.
Yes. This was her future. She felt hope.
At the end of all the good parts of her life, Kaliska was aware of the obvious. Her parents gave her medication that kept her hybrid at bay. That suggested things. Did they know the truth and pretend all these years she was normal?
The bigger issue. Where was her birth mother if she wasn't dead? Kaliska wanted to find her and had the drive to. She needed to know this woman. This woman Maia admired.
For tonight, she would have fun with her friends and Maia. Tonight, she would leave her sad thoughts in the background.



He couldn't get that close. All he wanted was that fleshy hybrid. There had to be a way to tame her. Renee couldn't have Zara, so he could have her daughter.
Renee licked his lips. He'd watch a far distance as she went inside the bar. He couldn't get too close. Maia was with her and that bitch would smell him from a mile away.
They were always together. Every touch that bitch made on his young fleshy hybrid skin; Renee wanted to cut off.
When Kaliska hybrid bit into her those few weeks ago...initially he was scared but he came to embrace it. He loved every moment. Her hands and lips. Her fangs, digging into his flesh. He would have her as a mate.
For now, he would keep his distance. He wanted to make them think they were safe. He put his car from parked shifting it to drive. Later. Later.



"What do ye want?" She moved back to the dining room, waving for her donor to follow.
Latham rolled his eyes, stepping into the house, shutting the door behind. He looked around. "Where is Paulina and Kaliska?"
Mona shrugged. "Aye don't be keeping up with Paulina's affairs." She sat on the couch, patting the seat for the donor to sit beside. "Kaliska is off with Maia. That wolf has her whipped..better than that bloke."
The donor sat down, eager for Mona. She was human. No more than mid twenties.
"Ye want a bite?"
Latham waved against it. "I've fed."
Mona rolled her eyes. "Yer loss." She smiled, whispering a few words to the donor, biting into her neck. Mona drank eagerly as Latham began to speak.
"The Monarch is interested in Kaliska."
Mona's head snapped up from the donors neck. "Go home. Money's on the table." Mona doesn't bother looking at the donor. Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth. "She won't have her."
Latham frowned. "She doesn't want to take Kaliska. Only meet her."
"Aye don't give a feck what the Monarch wants. She is sneaky. Aye don't be trusting her. Not with Kaliska as the source of her visit. The answers no."
Grimacing, Latham doesn't waste time. "You don't have a choice."
Mona sneers. "That Monarch does not care for Kaliska. She only wants to see the daughter of the man she lusted for. My site denied her and she is no ally."
"But she does hold high position over all vampires in the NorthEast." Latham settles his anger. "I'm here to argue. I'm only delivering a message. She'll be here in a month. So you have a month to get Kaliska ready."
Mona, pissed off, turned heading for the door. Opening it, "leave."
Latham shook his head. "You serious?"
Mona didn't respond only opening wider. "Out."
Instead of getting mad, Latham laughs. "You know...the longer you blame me for being the messenger and play to get...the longer you'll have to make it up to me."
He steps outside, waiting for Mona to respond.
Her response is the door slamming in his face. "How's that as a response? Arrogant bloke." Mona turned back to the diner, now disappointed in her loss of a meal.
She heard Latham chuckling all the way to his car. Sometimes having enhanced hearing literally sucked.
The news of the Monarch coming to town definitely dampened the mood. Paulina would be jumping for joy.
Oh. Mona would make sure Kaliska was prepared. Prepared to fight if it came down to it.



There is no energy. Nothing inside me is able to fight. I pull my arms up forgetting silver stakes are embedded in my hands. No scream or even a whimper leaves my mouth. I'm far pass expressing pain.
The door opens. My eyes are sunken. I'm dehydrated but I still open my eyes. She walks in. Her blonde hair swaying as if she is the queen of all things.
"Good news. I get to see someone...you haven't seen in years. Can you guess?" The woman smirks.
I snarl, trying to get up. It's pointless. Tonight is not my chance to escape. Patience.
"You...are not going to last," I said weakly.
Grinning, she looks down at me as if I should be worshipping her. "Poor Zara. Don't forget. I am the Monarch. I get all I want." She lowers her head to mines. "And what I want...is your daughter. Either...she'll serve under me...or die." She straightens, smirking.
Turning off, I curse out her name. I hear her order her men to torture me for the rest of the night.
I am ready. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. Right?

If you've loved this werewolf series...I hope you do me the honor of checking out my new werewolf series that is published! You can find on Amazon!
"A Night Claimed."
Please support me as a published writer as many writers only dream to be published and get paid for what they work so hard for!

Soon this book series will be off Wattpad! By end of year! Read on everyone!

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now