Chapter Eighteen

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Latham pulled the car up in front of Lucian Manor and immediately Mona opened the door helping Kaliska out.

"Is this ya'll home?" Kaliska asked fascinated with its design, thinking it had to be built in the late eighteen hundreds. She looked over to Mona. "Are you two married?"

"No—am not." Mona completely hating the idea of her and Latham replied so quickly she realized her voice squeaked.

Kaliska looked over to Latham enjoying Mona squeal. "It's complicated?" she asked Latham.

He grinned at Kaliska, nodding with a wink. 

"She will come around. We always do—at least when we find the right person." Kaliska watched Mona give the meanest glance at Latham then followed her as she walked towards the house. She truly admired the home and could guess the inside was glorious. "This architectural design is awesome."

Mona turned to Kaliska and thought of how the house use to be when Lucian was alive. "It's had better years."

"There's always room for recreating its purpose to this world." Kaliska smiled at Mona then abased her head thinking of what she just went through tonight and how she could recreate herself.

Mona cupped Kaliska's face into her hand then walked up the step. "Don't fret over it."

Latham opened the door having Mona and Kaliska trail in behind and with the turn of their head Paulina was already at the door waiting.

Giving the most astonished look, Paulina gazed to both Mona and Latham. Then placing her eyes onto Kaliska, she asked in a delicate tone. "What happened?" She could see blood on Kaliska's body and dress but did not want to make any assumptions, although it was obviously clear.

"Short version, we found what Monarch told us we would find." Mona turned her head to Kaliska basically pointing to acknowledge it being her. "Kaliska this is my sister, Paulina."

Latham could see Kaliska was run down and in need of freshening up. "Mona you think you have some clothes for her to change into?"

Nodding, she gently showed Kaliska the way to her room. Kaliska turned back for a moment watching Latham and Paulina begin a conversation, but continued ahead with Mona. She grabbed onto Mona's hand not letting go the whole way there.



Paulina dumbfounded was eager to be updated. "You two dump a car and come back with Lucian's daughter. How did that happen?"

After Latham explained the whole situation Kaliska and Mona made their way back down stairs into the living room where Paulina and Latham now sat.

As Kaliska walked towards them her stomach began to growl hunger building up. "Sorry, just a bit hungry. It will pass."

"Will it?" Paulina gave a serious glance.

Kaliska felt unease around Paulina, but she considered Paulina was just trying to read her, like she done many times herself. Kaliska wanted to answer her question but she had to first think of her answer. She remembered the past week when she got hungry and what happened when she waited too long to eat. "No, I guess it won't." Thinking of that feeling made her nervously shake. "I should eat, if you don't mind."

Paulina crossed her legs thinking of what she could possibly feed her. All they had was packages of blood from human donors that served them from time to time. Maybe a few snacks inside for the days the humans came over and needed to replenish themselves after giving blood. Then again Paulina wasn't sure of what exactly she—ate.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now