Chapter Nine

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The entire drive, back to Miles house, however short the ride, was silent. Once at his home they walked over to his truck, that he thought would be more comfortable for Kaliska at the moment, with all that rage boiled underneath her breath. She needed physical distance and he understood that too well.

After they got inside his truck and heading up to the road towards her house, Miles broke the silence. "I'm sorry Kaliska. I didn't know my father—should have known." He didn't know how to fix what happened.

Another twenty minutes had expired and the silence was becoming unbearable. "Kaliska I know you're mad, but I swear I didn't know what my father was up to, or why he did it."

Kaliska just stared at the box placed on her lap. She knew she wanted to open it. But now wasn't the time. She reminisced on all Miles father had put her through, and the lies he told, and not realizing it, she rolled her eyes.

Miles, without any warning steered his truck fast to the side of the road, stopping with their bodies jerking forward. "Why would I lie, and put you through all of this Kaliska. In this short time I've known you I've been straight with you on how I feel. All I wanted—''

"I'm not mad at you. Okay. I just—I'm mad at myself. I let my guard down. And I don't really know how you feel about me." She turned her head looking out the side of her window, watching the sun very slowly shift in the sky. "I'm sorry. I do know how you feel. And if you feel anything, I don't know why you would? And that worries me too."

Miles confused, looked at her with questioning eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Which part?"

"Why wouldn't I care about you? And I do like you—a lot. Don't you—''

"I don't know anything." Kaliska yelled.

Miles spoke in a deep tone Kaliska had never heard before. She always felt his voice to be smooth, welcoming, and reserved. This toned seemed to be aggressive and offended. "I'm not my father. I will never manipulate you in anyway. I want to be with you because out of everything you're going through you still live and see the beauty of life that I've lost in myself."

She heard all truths in what he was telling her but was still afraid. Was he right? Sometimes she didn't want to live anymore; but she was here now still fighting to live. That was the whole point to meeting his father. "We should go." Kaliska should have said how she felt too. That he was the extra life force, making her want to fight even harder now, and that she never felt this way about anyone. She was scared to. Kaliska felt that if she said it out loud then he would disappear.

Miles studied her face for a moment. "You want to be with me, you're just afraid of what will happen once you admit it." Not saying anything else, Miles pulled back onto the road.

   Kaliska wanted to agree but couldn't. "Miles. We connect. There is no questioning of that."


   "But...I don't know. I'm figuring it out." Kaliska kept her head turned from Miles, swallowing in her frustration. "What was your father talking about, when I was—flustered?"

Miles stayed quiet for some time, not sure how to tell her the truth.

"Can you just say it?" Kaliska said annoyed by his silence.

Miles feeling her emotion building back up, he blurted out, "You're not human?" almost in a question. He wanted to punch himself for how that came out.

Instantly Kaliska stared at him, bewildered. Only a few seconds passed and in a sardonic voice, "Okay—now that your joke is out, you can tell me what your father said?"

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now