Chapter Sixteen

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   Kaliska head began to feel a sharp jabbing pain as if screws were being drilled into her skull. Her eyes burned along with her body. If she imagined what hell felt like, it would be like this. She screamed howling like she was ripping apart. Suddenly it stopped and she thought it was over. Like it was all in her head and she broke out of the vivid hallucination. Before she could catch a breath the pain came again this time more grievous then the last. Her hands, all the way to the stretch of her fingers expanded; bones breaking repeatedly, as razor sharp claws slashed from the tips of her fingers. Her mouth agape, as her jaw slightly extended along with long sharp fangs appearing, surrounded with canine wolfish teeth. When she pulled her head back, her neck stretched out and everyone could see her eyes blazed out a bright, almost blinding the Were who still stood a few feet away. In time, her eyes adjusted to a normal glow.

"Back up you idiot," Mac shouted, "and don't look into her eyes. You're not strong enough if she tries to compel you."

The Were obeyed moving quickly lowering her gaze from Kaliska.

Hearing Mac voice angered her more. How he thought he could overpower her. His arrogance taunted her and she punched her fist savagely onto the ground, as the first few drops of rain came down hard.

Somewhere in her mind she could feel what was happening to her. She slipped in and out as if not sure of just letting go of her control. Kaliska remembered how Miles shifted feeling no pain, but for her she was terrorized with it. Kaliska's upper body jerked as if her ribs were being caved in and her hands dropped to the ground, now leaning on her hands and knees, rippling grievously. Her ribs forced forward, expanding a few more bones in between. Kaliska put one hand over her mouth biting hard to have the pain convey there instead. She didn't have a mind to gather any thoughts. She could feel the agony, but it was like her mind was closed to everything else. As if some force stopped her from seeing what was happening to her. To be punished with pain that crushed her insides but not know why or what it was doing to her. That's all that drowned her thoughts. Her body felt reborn, as if new and stronger skin had molded through her with its own guaranteed protection. Her stomach was tucked tight beneath her rips as she struggled to breath. She felt agonizingly cold placed under ice, lips pale blue.

Kaliska sat in her crouched position for what seemed to be a long time, not initiating any movement. Her head facing down she just watched the rain turn the dirt into mud. She could hear the rain slapping against the ground like a book falling from a table.


Miles looked incredulous at her along with Mac and everyone else. Miles still wolf due to the full moons presence, moved slower towards her demanding to see if she was still—her. "Kaliska, it's me. Please if you're in there, talk to me—through your mind."

For the first time Mac saw his son as pathetic, caring for someone like her. "Well this is what she looks like." Mac laughed as if what he saw was nothing special. Mac watched his son growing impatient. "Miles, you need to be still."

Miles snarled at his father and a moment later he could feel himself shifting back. It was being forced by his father. Another specialty his father could do, being Alpha. It took him a few minutes to shift back human. Miles stood naked and completely weaken by the fight, and him being changed back too early in the night didn't help. He walked over twenty feet towards a tree pulling out a back; he must have hid there earlier. Sadly when a werewolf shifted they weren't blessed to have clothes on their backs when needed. He always brought spare clothes where he went. After he dressed, Miles looked over at his father angry and ready to challenge him for forcing the shift.

Miles looked over to Kaliska still sitting in a crouched position and called to her again. "Kaliska—''

"Shut up," Mac snapped at Miles. "Can't you tell ... that isn't her boy? I told you, she isn't one with her hybrid, leaving her with two different personalities; two different minds."

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now