Chapter Eight

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 "I've always loved Blackwater. The town has so much life in it." Not to be ungrateful for Charlestown with its nice neighborhood and its one diner her family always went to, but the town had no excitement. It was, just, Charlestown. Like that one town no one knew about.

Kaliska pulled her head up from Miles back letting the breeze sting against her face. Taking a deep inhale, Kaliska breathed in all the elegant scents of nature; from the trees down to the soil. Kaliska could see herself running through the land surrounded by oceans of trees, lakes, and wild life. If only the whole world was like that again, she wondered.

"You and nature," Miles said focused on the road, "What's that about?"

"It's weird but I felt like I've always been made for land and not fancy homes and buildings. I could never be a city girl." Kaliska laid her head back against Miles and listened to his heart beat. "For me, it's like I was born out here, surrounded by—''

"The wild," Miles finished in a sarcastic tone.

Kaliska wanted to punch him but since they were on the road and he had their lives in his hands, she'd save that for later.

"Do you think it has something to do with your genetics?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe your father will know."

Eventually pulling up ahead of his home, Miles shut off his deafening engine that deteriorated to a leisurely silence. "This is my home. My father lives ten minutes from here but I thought you might like to see where I live."

"You live alone?" Kaliska asked twisting off the bike, walking eagerly to his front steps.

"Yeah—pretty much better then living at my dad or pestering roommates." Seizing her with a smile, she curled her lips impressed by his independence.

Kaliska couldn't help view her own life and judge the outcome. "It sucks to start over again." Kaliska walked along the edges of his patio wall. The sensation of the paint was fresh with how the texture smoothed along her fingers; not rough and crackly as if rust was forming.

Kaliska made her way up his patio not waiting for Miles to follow. "Your home is really beautiful." Feeling her phone vibrate, Kaliska dug it out of her back pocket seeing one of her closest friends had text her.

"You haven't seen the whole house yet," Miles responded watching her expression from the text.

The text was from Mila reminding her to be home around six, tonight. They had planned another of their, girls night out experiences, yet from the way it seemed, Mila found out about Miles. She added in her text, 'bring your boy toy'. "He can't ever keep his mouth shut," Kaliska whispered to herself, knowing her brother told Mila, and probably everyone else who cared to know. It was not often Kaliska met a guy she actually liked. She did like him. How she liked him was still confusing. He seemed cool and genuinely interested in who she was. Plus, his scent reminded Kaliska of something she was missing and needed to find. It was as if he was her way home.

After sending a text back she tucked the phone back into her pocket, this time silencing it. Caught up in the moment of distraction from texting, Kaliska turned toward Miles startled, as he stood only a foot from her.

"One of your friends?" he asked more focused on her then her answer. He ran his eyes over her; body tensed like an energy ball bottled up, desiring to be unleashed.

"Yes—my nosy headed brother told my friends about you." Kaliska abased her head tentatively. "They want to meet you now. You don't have to though." She didn't want to force any ideas on Miles; he needed to make his own decision on spending time with her.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now