Chapter Seventeen

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Mona and Latham took the white Toyota that had been categorized as the getaway car leaving from the murder of Robert Benet. Mona and Paulina were now the two most wanted people in Blackwater after being implicated in the murder. Of course it was the Blackwater pack Alpha, Mac, who pointed the finger to them. They drove the car to an old dump site right outside of Blackwater, near Charlestown. Mona heaved out a pack of matches; gasoline already poured over the car leading to a small trail where Mona and Latham stood.

As a vampire there was less ways of dying, and besides a typical decapitated head, or death by the sun, or silver through the chest, pain was pain. They weren't interested in being in any pain tonight.

Mona lit one match then held it over the rest of the pack that quickly ignited. She shot Latham a glance annoyed with his smug expression; his hands buried in his pockets. Tossing the matches into the gasoline it inflamed straight for the car, like a burning fuse making its way to the main attraction. The fire swelled around the car as if eating it from the inside out. It sounded like a wave of static and hissing merged together. Mona put her hands on her waist watching the fire swallow the car as if angry not having more to burn. Sometimes it seemed like fire had its own emotions—its highs and lows. Another fifteen seconds passed by and the car exploded, spitting pieces of the car that was now scattered in multiple debris.

Part one of their mission was done and Mona slapped her hands together as if being surrounded by Fourth of July fireworks. "I'm happy to see that banger go." She noticed Latham grinning at her. Underneath that grin was a look that told her, he was not giving up on his promise to remind her of what she could have with him. In a way that made her feel infuriating, yet slightly pleased. She never had a man fight so hard to be with her, and she knew he would. Her eyes softened a bit to that realization.

Latham turned facing the entrance of the dump site extending an arm out for Mona to leave out first. He watched her eyes squint at him as if there was a hidden agenda in his sudden chivalry. Latham had always been well mannered towards Mona, but it took him confessing his feeling for her, to now have her study every move he made as if it was something new. "Have you ever been caught on fire?"

To any ordinary person—human to be more specific—at that moment they would have looked at him as if he lost his mind. It wasn't a normal conversation between humans. Asking if 'they were ever in a fight before,' was as typical as it got for humans. Sense they were vampires—that was a common question to ask.

Mona shot him a glance amused by his question. "Not yet, but my time will come." She laughed at that notion of one day burning in a blaze of fire. That was not something to look forward to, but in a way, it was like how some humans bragged about how many scars they had. It was an 'I'm tough and been through life', bragging situation.

Latham chuckled along with her. "It hurts like a bitch."

"I believe ye." Mona sneaked one last glance toward the fire as it gathered thick clouds of dark smoke. "We should go. Don't want the peelers on our backs, do ye?" Mona liked a challenge but was impatient towards police.

Latham grinned then nodded. "I don't want to be considered, suspect number three."

"That's right! Ye wouldn't want to be locked away from yer pretty little clothes." Latham grinned on that thought.

Saying no more they ran off in inhuman speed.


It took them a couple minutes to get to Blackwater, which by a car would have taken them more than twenty minutes. "What's the point of coming here?" Mona asked in curiosity stretching her legs out after a good run.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now