Chapter Ten

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"Where are we going?" Kaliska asked.

Miles grabbed her hand, guiding her through the thick woods, avoiding the branches that were to close for comfort. "It's a spot I always come to when I need to regroup my thoughts."

She realized they were elevating up by how the muscles in her leg stiffen with exhaustion. They had been walking through the woods for almost ten minutes when Miles finally slowed their pace. He drew in a few more steps letting her hand go as he knelt down, gliding his fingers through the soft soil. Miles scooped out a handful of dirt bringing it up to his nose. Inhaling, he let out a light shutter of breath as if smelling a clean blanket fresh out the dryer.

Kaliska stared, puzzled, not understanding why Miles was sniffing the dirt. She wanted to comment but had an instinct of that being a bad idea.

Miles twisted his head almost owl like gazing up at Kaliska and noticed confusion seeping out of her gaze. "You want to know the truth."

Kaliska wasn't sure if that was a question but answered eagerly. "Yes I do."

Miles opened his hand that still clutched the dirt and slowly let it fall out of his hand. "What do you think happened this morning?"

Kaliska was taken aback by his question. She replayed the events of this morning and how she got lost into the woods. "I told you already."

"You told me half of it." Miles didn't look back at her. He kept his gaze locked in front of him but could feel the frustration from Kaliska drilling at the back of his neck. "Something more happened, for you to run into the woods." He wanted her to face the truth about herself.

"Yes, but that doesn't have anything to with who I am."

"Yes it does, Kaliska," Miles said lifting up. "What made you run from your house this morning?"

Kaliska took a step back as if offended by the question. She never explained why she left, running lost, out of her home. She knew why but had never spoken the words aloud for her own ears to hear. Kaliska hands tremble thinking about the smell of her mother's blood and how she wanted to taste it. Trying to speak her voice broke before she could mutter a normal sound.

"Kaliska, I know something is changing in you that probably scared you this morning. What was it?" Miles moved closer to her, as if a way to let her know she could trust him. "Why were you afraid to touch the silverware?"

Kaliska thought back to being at Miles's father and how she was afraid to touch the silverware. How she was at the diner with Jake and touched the silverware. Then the memory of her mother's blood stained her mind like acrylic paint not able to be washed off a shirt. It was almost like she could smell it now. Not realizing it, Kaliska's breathing began to rise into multiple growls like a wolf sensing its prey. Kaliska lowered her eyes, feeling the tension around them burn as if hot grease burned them. She remembered every time her eyes burned that way, it color changed. At least that's what her brother said on more than one occasion.

"Kaliska, look up at me," Miles asked. He had no fear in his voice and by how he gradually took another step, it made Kaliska trust that she could show him and not be afraid to. "Nothing will change how I feel about you."

Little by little Kaliska raised her gaze to his and before their eyes met; Miles shifted his body so fast it made Kaliska leap backwards nearly falling over. "I thought you said it wouldn't change anything?" she muttered out feeling abashed by him seeing her eyes.

Miles looked around, scanning the woods that surrounded them. He knew someone was out there, watching them. "Let's go." He reached over seizing Kaliska arm and they headed back toward the road where they left his bike.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now