Chapter Three

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   After a long drive back to Blackwater, Miles hopped off his bike in front of his home. He stretched his body out long as if each limb was trying to reach past its limits. It was nearly two in the afternoon and the sun was barely hitting seventy degrees giving room for a soft breeze to brush through his hair. He lived in an old once abandon home that still needed a lot of work done. When he moved out of his father's house he bought the property. Miles loved his home, probably because it was only his. It was surrounded by trees and wild thick bushes filled with blackberries that landscaped around and over his house. He still had on the top of his list to fix the front yard of his home along with the patio. His father's home was about ten minutes away, if he shifted and ran.

Miles had not shifted in a few days. His body was already growing restless with the urge. He knew his wolf missed the dirt beneath his paws and his teeth buried in his caught prey. Being in wolf form he would regain energy quicker and besides he was hungry and needed a quick hunt on the way to see his father. He began to strip off his clothes, as his body started to set in motion the shift.

It would seem that changing from human to wolf would be painful with how the bones twisted and extended in different forms. Yet the pain was mild due to how fast the shift took and there was a certain form of magic that dramatically lesson the pain. The only time a shift would ever be painful, was if the shift was brought on by over controlled rage, or shifting with severe injuries.

There have been many ideas in mythology that described what a Were looked like but for the true appearance of a Were, people's assumptions were not too far off. Weres stood strong on four legs, like any wolf. They compressed over half their muscle mass on their chest and shoulders, giving them much deadlier speed and strength. Weres also had a massive hump rising from the top of their neck to their mid-back. Their jaws were wide, making room for more teeth than any average wolf would have. Their paws were enormous, with very thick claws and overall Weres were huge, and stood up almost five feet. Having such a monstrous build, their fur was very thick, and soft, bringing them a more elegant look, which avertedly dimmed their vicious structure making them a beautiful sight.

After nearly shifting a minute, Miles was in complete wolf form. His thick white fur was strong and flowed through his body like soft currents. Miles snout was big and narrowed and his heavy paws and his teeth were long and sharp, ready for hunting. He snapped his jaw shut following an exhausted yawn. Miles started to make his way in the direction of his father's house, exploring any opportunity to eat. All he needed was something small, and a rabbit would do just fine. He hunted for some time and was about to quit making his way to his father, when he saw his potential meal running through the bushes already aware of his presence. The need to chase overrided his humanity. Miles chased the squirrel through the bushes building up speed as he made his way closer. The squirrel was about to climb a tree when Miles leaped up catching it with his canines. Miles had won his hunt and was ready to devour his prey. A while after, Miles gave out a loud growl, satisfied by his meal. Kicking his fur that rested around his paws he extended his body as if he just finished an effortless run.

Roughly ten minutes later Miles was standing in front of his father's home, shifted back into his human form. There were proximately three cars lined up in front. Looked to be a few of the packs cars—freshly parked. He could still feel the heat simmering from the cars engine. Miles father was the Alpha of the Blackwater pack and had been almost fifteen years now. Miles father enjoyed his position and would never give it up to anyone. He acted as if he was the law and order over everyone who was Were in or around Blackwater territory.

Miles watched through his father's front window as he heard his father lecturing someone. He waited for the hostility to drop down a few heart beats slower before entering. Miles refused to be pulled into his father's rage. On the side of his father's home was a huge backhouse that Miles and his friends would go to as cubs. He had his first kiss in there. Furthermore, it was a place to escape when things got bad between his father and him. And when he lived there that was often. In general, the house was huge, and was kept in great condition.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now