Chapter One

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Twenty-four years later

   Mona and Paulina

   It had been nearly twenty-four years since Lucian's death, affecting the treaty between vampires and werewolves. It left hostile mist in the air that could be tasted. To be executed by werewolves had been beyond his covens' belief; being Lucian was more than eight hundred years old. The vampires never understood what happened for Lucian to perish. Yet they could not set a war against the Weres, because according to them, Lucian had invaded their territory ending with the death of Zara and Toby; the Alpha of Blackwater's only two children. They had a new treaty to follow and could not break their creed disobeying the law.

It was the beginning of October. The clouds rolling in quickly, darkening the skies, giving them more room for awakening early. The fog rose over their home almost like a mist in one of those movies right before a bunch of creature's stalked through the night. On the outside of the house it was surrounded with dead dry leaves, and grass that had been something other than green. A few shoetrees sidled around their home. The painting on the walls of their house had long begun fading, and the windows were tinted dark, for no one to look into and to keep sun out. It looked like one of those homes kids would run pass in fear that the house was hunted. Luckily for those kids, their home was far off miles from other homes and the nearest town.

"How does it feel outside? We should go out for fresh air." Mona said with her moderate Irish accent. She twisted her wavy red hair around her index finger. Walking down the stairs Mona scowled annoyingly from every creak the stairs made. "Really need to remodel this place." Waving that thought away, "The sky smells fresh."

"Mona, we were told to stay put." Paulina said bored with herself and Mona's mouth.

Mona leaped off the last stairwell turning toward the open view of the living room where Paulina sat on a far end chair across from her. "Ye mine as well live with the wolves, if yer going to be following every rule. Isn't that what dogs do?" Mona scowled back trying to fix her hair.

"Watch your mouth." Paulina hissed, ready to put Mona in place if need be. She was a century older and was very capable of doing so.

"Keep yer panties on." Mona rolled her eyes in sarcasm then took a long sigh and smiled. "I'm just saying, politely. Let's go for an adventure. No more than an hour."

Paulina looked at Mona for a moment trying to figure out another excuse. She sat cross-legged flipping her phone open to see if she received a new text and then frowned. "Nothing—damn it." She really didn't want to go out but it was better than waiting. "Okay. Let's go. For only one hour, Mona. I'm serious," letting the word serious come off much stronger than necessary.

Mona was already out the door with her denim jacket on.

"All right. Now yer talking." Mona looked toward Paulina giving her a quick smile then headed to the car in supernatural speed. They were cramped in Lucian manor for almost a week awaiting orders from the Monarch and Mona had enough. She didn't follow rules. Stopping a few feet from their old black 1992 Toyota, which looked older than her; which she was over fifty-six years old in human and her vampire years merged together. Thank God she turned vampire only at the age of twenty-seven. Poor Paulina was in her forties when turned. Mona looked back at Paulina with an innocent expression. "Paulina. Ye think it'll be grand to grab a snack? I've a mouth on me."

"No." Paulina snapped, shooting her a stern glare. She relaxed her expression then looked across to Mona standing opposite side of the car. "Do you want these foolish humans to know of our existence? That's what we have donors for. You know what happened last time." She gave Mona a sharp glance then climbed inside the car.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now