Chapter Twenty

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Late afternoon came and pain still stung all through Miles body. It was close to seven in the evening and Miles was barely waking up after being thrown into a tree by his father. His entire back had broken snapping his spin. He was paralyzed but now gaining feeling in his legs. A werewolf's special ability was quick healing. As long as they didn't lose their head or heart they could regenerate. Disoriented, he grabbed onto the nearest thing framed around him feeling through the damped sheets that cling to his excessively heated body.  He grabbed a hold of what seemed to be his phone, touching the smooth rubbery phone case that layered around it. His eyes were still adjusting to the exceedingly long sleep as if he had been in a deep coma. His eyelids felt heavy as if begging to stay close. He guest that's how a lot of people felt when waking up after a long while. Flaring his nostrils he breathed in trying to smell anyone familiar.

When he could see well enough he unlocked his phone and began dialing Kaliska's number. She was the first thought that came to his mind. The phone rang about six times before going to voice mail. 'Hey this is Kalisk. Obviously not pinned to my phone right now, but if it's important, speak after the beep.'

If it was any other day Miles would have laughed at her voice mail, but from what happened last night, there were no pleasure for the laughter. He lifted his head up slowly, trying to shake off the aftershock he went through. After stretching his body, popping a few bones in the process he gradually postured up. He had completely healed.

He scanned around carefully, trying not to move to quick. Didn't want to take a chance in getting dizzy, being he didn't hunt last night and had an empty stomach. Any time a werewolf shifted on a full moon they had to hunt. Shifting took a lot of stamina and food was the cure to that weakness.

He walked out of his room letting the wall support him as he moved down the hall. He came to the conclusion that he was alone in his house, and seemed his father had dropped him off and just left him to heal on his own. Great fatherly love, Miles scowled.

Miles didn't know what happened to Kaliska and he feared the worse. He made his way into the kitchen finding a few thick steaks still sitting in the refrigerator. He put them onto a heated pan for a few moments flipping them over back and forth with his bare hands, not so much worried about the heat beneath his fingers. Finally he reached in grabbing one, eating it within his grip. After he finished the first one he grabbed the last one weakly sauntering to the edge of the counter leaning against it.

Before he finished the last few bites he could smell someone outside of his home, invading his territory. His wolf was already anxious and ready to fight if it came to that. Growling towards the door he opened it, eyes already taken over in a thriving gold.

When he saw Iris, he instantly calmed down. Iris stood relaxed against Miles bike, leaning a little into it. They shared a few glances but she quickly turned her eyes.

Miles was stunned that she turned giving him more dominants at that moment. He took that as a gesture of her sympathy. She was stronger and far more dominant. "Why are you here?" he asked hoarsely.

She walked carefree, as if letting the wind carry her and then stopped short of his porch. "Wanted to make sure you were okay." She could have left it at that, but she respected Miles too much. "And, I want to see if I can talk you out of what you are planning to do."

Miles sniffed quickly trying to see if they were really alone, then turned to look at her. "You have loyalty to my father. I won't put you in a bad position." He stared for a moment then continued, "Does my father have her?"

"No," Iris watched the relief dissolve from his face. "Let me worry about, positions." Iris tone was soft with every word, never giving to much emotion in her voice. Being an alphas mate made her head over everyone as well, so she had to hold her ground, but with Miles she never cared to do that. "Obviously something happened last night—Mac and his minions bringing Alyssa nearly dead was a sure sign of that. I know what happened."

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now