Chapter Eleven

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Kaliska ogled up at her room ceiling, like she often did after waking up after a long irritable sleep. It had been a couple days since she last seen or talked to Miles and she began to worry. The nuisance of him not answering her calls gave her mixed emotions. After that strange night in the woods knowing someone was watching them, Miles had promised to come by the next morning and he'd never shown up.

Kaliska didn't want to assume he just had enough of her crazy life and wanted nothing to do with her. She hoped that something important came up and he would get back to her when he could. The idea of him ignoring her calls pondered through her thoughts, but she wanted to give him the benefit of doubt. He's not like the other guys you've dealt with, she reassured herself.

The last few days seemed to amplify her mood and ravenous behavior. Something was changing inside Kaliska and she didn't think she could take any of whatever was going on with her any longer. It was like part of her mind blacked out when she got into a really bad spell. That's the best way to describe it without sounding like a lunatic. She tried to lock herself in her room these passed days but that only seemed to fuel her more.

A knock came from her door and not waiting for her to give any permission to open; her mother came inside looking curiously around as if she wasn't sure she was inside. "Do you know what happened to the kitchen?" her mother asked still snooping around with her eyes lurking for any trace of evidence linking her to the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" Kaliska could not take any more problems on her plate. To say on edge was an understatement. "What's wrong with the kitchen?"

"It looks like someone ransacked through the cabinets and fridge." Her mother did not step one foot inside her room, lingering by the door as if afraid to enter.

Kaliska thought for a moment then realized late last night she had got hungry and went down stairs to find something to eat. It was like she was half awake when that happened and thought it was a dream. "Uh, I'm sorry. I got hungry last night. I'll go clean it up now."

"You ate all the steak in the freezer?" she asked more crossly then concerned.

Her mother had always been careful not to lose her temper with Jake or her, but that was clearly changing. Kaliska wanted to snap back at her but sucked in a breath—long one. Instead she reached over to the nightstand opening the drawer and pulled out a twenty. "I'll go replace it now."

"Don't bother. I will go to the store."

"No, I don't mind. I'll go get a whole new pack of steak, and extra to make you feel better." Kaliska's tone was cunning to how she was really feeling. She didn't look toward her mother.

When Kaliska's mother closed the door, she got dressed, putting on some yoga pants, and a black tank top. Kaliska didn't stop to say good morning to anyone and headed out to her Voxan V1000 Roadster bike that had been waiting patiently for her to use for the last week. She hadn't ridden it since the incident outside of Tilt bar.

Kaliska started it up meditating with the sound it made when it rumbled. She loved her bike; it being an easy way to escape when she needed too.


Kaliska walked along the aisle of the grocery store until she made her way to the freezer section. Good foods, was the only grocery store in Charlestown, so it could get crowded quickly if you went on the wrong day. She skimmed through the aisle, passing by the chicken nicely packaged, then on to the beef. Reaching down she picked up three packs of steak and made her way to the register. Being in the meat aisle had her stomach grumbling and she wanted to distance herself from this section.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now