Chapter Twenty-Two

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"This is it," Kaliska shouted putting one hand over the driver's back seat.

Latham halted the truck into a screeching stop as everyone's bodies flung forward on impact.

"Nice driving," Mona said regaining her composure.

Kaliska climbed out the truck ready to run for the door of her house. She didn't want to admit it to herself but deep down this was her parents and brothers home—no longer hers.

"Wait," Latham called out stopping her from taking off. "For all they know, your brother isn't missing. You don't want to cause a panic."

Kaliska shook her head then faced Mona who looked to be in deep thought. Kaliska griped against the outside of the truck door as she carelessly rocked it. "I have to go see if they're okay. I can do this without shifting hybrid or whatever."

Latham snorted—not on purpose but it was one of those things people did when caught in a bad situation and still heard the humor in everything.

Mona frowned at him then spoke. "Do yer best not to let them suspect anything, about anything."

Kaliska nodded understanding dawning.

"I'm coming with you," Miles said not giving Kaliska room for arguments.

Kaliska looked to Mona then to Miles and headed for the house along with Miles.

Mona called out to Kaliska having her twirl back to her. "If we sense any problems, we're coming in."

Kaliska nodded again continuing for the door.

Once she opened it the silence felt chilling as if opening the door to a forbidden room. Tears had been placed on skin and fear roamed through the halls of her once peaceful home.

I brought this here, she told herself. If she had been a normal human, nothing like this would be happening. Maybe she could be happy with her family and never of had any problems in her life her parents always wanted to fix.

"Mom—dad," Kaliska muttered out. Nothing. It was like time had stopped in here. "Please-answer me if you're home."

Kaliska and Miles walked down the hall towards the living room. No lights were on but she could feel someone sitting in the living room. Their body heat flared towards her like fresh hot biscuits on a plate—almost sizzling.

Miles put a hand over Kaliska's chest stopping her from reaching further and immediately Mona and the two other vampires came swiftly in. They had felt something off and like Mona promised she would come in.

Kaliska eyes went dark as if she had a dark cloud hovering over her and low rumble in her throat ignited. Her chest heaved in and out against Miles's still plant arm over her and she pushed it away heading into the living room. She didn't care if danger was there. Her fear was her parents being dead. But she could smell them if they were. Kaliska wasn't sure.

Paulina back hugged on the wall sliding forward and Latham eyes were already sapphire blue. When Kaliska was in the living room the lights popped on unexpectedly and she saw her parents sleep on the couch. Nothing was wrong with them—but something was still off.

"Kaliska move back," Mona roared out.

Kaliska leaped backward but there was some kind of hidden wall and she collided into it falling back forward. She was trapped inside something. Her eyes quickly went hybrid and she made for Mona again and again she ran into something she couldn't see, nearly knocking herself unconscious.

Forbidden Moon ~ Lesbian Story ~ Blackwater Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now