Chapter Twenty-Five

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This will be the second to last chapter! I put this book out fast and yes there will be a book 2 with the storyline being Kaliska and Maia's relationship reaching the next level. As well as the search for Zara and a few other dramatic surprises!
I'll give you all the epilogue tonight!


Kaliska lay curled in bed, face skewed, tightening the loose sheets around her as if suffering through a high temperature fever. Her body felt gloomy and out of place. She was in a dream desperately wanting out of it but lacking the mental strength.
A vicious dark cloud circled over as if death itself had a hit list out for only her. She found her brother dead, along with her parents. Kaliska stood framed over them crimson tears falling from her eyes as if she was bleeding out all her insides. The blood covered her face like a mask. Their bodies dismembered heaped on one another as it gradually slide further into what looked to be a hole. Their torn bodies sunk in fast like quick sand, consuming them and she wanted to seize onto them but was afraid of the blood that forced its way into her lungs. All she smelt was death. She wondered if she committed all this tormented death. She noticed pieces of her family and thought maybe she could put them back together if she found the right pieces. Pieces. That's what echoed in her dream. The blood look viscid, clotted around them. Then it was gone. No scent of blood—it had vanished beneath the ground with no trace of her family ever being there. Kaliska caved to her knees not controlling her loud sobs that lasted forever. Throughout this whole process she only noticed one thing from her family and that pained her most—their blood. She tried wiping off all the crimson tears hating them for coming out, making her feel like a monster. Kaliska's mind was disgusted and mortified with who she was. How could anyone love her like this?

All she wanted to do was die but it was like some part of her still fought to live. That part of her began to grow inside her taking over her emotions and control. She could feel her body shifting into something but she couldn't see with her own eyes what it was. That enraged her—not seeing what everyone else saw. The light was getting dimmer as her hybrid was taking over. She fought to stay—to dig her family out of the hole and put them back together but she was slipping away, barely able to see a pinch of light before she vanished.

Kaliska forced herself awake as if nearly dying from her dream. Her eyes shot open as she felt a waft of pain in her head and instantly started massaging her forehead with the tips of her fingers. She was experiencing a bad case of a migraine. It looked as if she sweated out all the water from her body having the sheets soaked to her skin. She stared for a moment hoping she didn't urinate on herself. In relief Kaliska sighed then noticed she was in one of the spare rooms at Lucian manor. She didn't remember coming back or with how everything ended last night.

She looked over to the nightstand beside her and found her phone as a red dot blinked on the top left corner of it. Sixteen missed calls from her parents and friends. She couldn't remember how long ago she let Mona send Latham off to compel her parents into thinking she had taken a trip. But her guess that compel didn't last. It was just like her parents to beat through even a supernatural attack of the mind. Things never passed by their eyes to long without eventually noticing.

Kaliska body felt as if she hadn't moved in years. Perhaps a bit exaggerating, but it was that kind of feeling. She was as stiff as the door that was closed in front of her.

She had almost forgotten about her nightmare until she thought about Jake. She prayed they had gotten him in time and needed to know he was alright. She moved over to the side of the bed and saw a pair of clothes dangling over a chair beside the door. Someone had clearly undressed her leaving only her underwear, bra and a loose shirt to cover her. She striped off the flimsy shirt putting on the new set of clothes and sat back onto the bed exhausted already of just doing that.

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