Best Friends

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Chapter 1

Soo Na's POV

"Soo Na ya! Come down!" My eomma called me.

"Coming!" I replied. When I went down to the living room and I noticed a lady sitting on the sofa and laughing with my eomma.

"Ah. Soo Na, I want you to meet my friend from work. Say hello." My eomma said.

"Hello." I said and I bowed.

"Hello Soo Na. I want you to meet my son, Dae Hyun. Dae Hyun please come and meet Soo Na." My eomma's friend said.

"Hello Soo Na." Dae Hyun said to me while smiling.

"Hello Dae Hyun." I replied.

"Why don't you guys go up to play?" My eomma asked.

"Ne." We said in unison and we went upstairs. We went into the game room.

"What do you want to do?" I asked Dae Hyun.

" Anything." Dae Hyun replied.

"How about we play roles. You be a son and I will be your eomma." I said while giggling.

"haha sure. I don't mind." Dae Hyun said while laughing.

"Okay then lets start." I said. After 2 hours of playing, Dae Hyun has to go.

"Before I go, how old are you?" Dae Hyun asked.

"I'm 8 years old." I replied.

"Oh. I am 9, so that means I am your oppa." Dae Hyun said.

"Okay then I will call you oppa." I said while giggling.

"Okay. Bye Soo Na." Dae Hyun said while waving.

"Bye oppa." I said while waving back at him. After that day, Dae Hyun kept on coming over to my house.

"Yah Soo Na." Dae Hyun said.

"Ne?" I said.

"Do you consider me as a friend?" Dae Hyun asked out of a sudden.

"Of course! I treat you as my best friend!" I said.

"Really?" Dae Hyun asked.

"Of course!" I said.

"Oh thank you Soo Na. You are my very first best friend ever!" Dae Hyun yelled and hugged me. Of course I hugged him back.

3 years later

I was in my room when my house phone rang. I went downstairs to picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said.

"This is Dae Hyun." Dae Hyun said.

"Oh hiiii." I said.

"Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow?" Dae Hyun asked.

"Wait I go ask my eomma." I said.

"Eomma! Can I go to Dae Hyun's house tomorrow?" I yelled so that my eomma can hear me in the kitchen.

"Yes you can but be back my 5pm." my eomma yelled back.

"Yup I can go to your house tomorrow." I said through the phone line.

"Great! I will pick you up tomorrow at your house with my eomma at 1pm. See you tomorrow Soo Na" Dae Hyun said.

"Okay! See you tomorrow oppa!" I said and we hang up. Oh my god I can't wait to go to Dae Hyun's house! I wonder how his house look like.

Heyy guys!!! This is my second fanfic!!! I hope you guys will like it!!!😄😄

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