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Chapter 14

Daehyun's POV

I was just upstairs thinking about the memory I regain. All of it seems to come back to me when I am with Soo Na. Is Soo Na my childhood friend or something? Suddenly, I heard a lot of chattering downstairs at the living room of our hide out. I went downstairs to check out what is the commotion about.

"Oh hey Daehyun." Yongguk hyung said.

"Have you done being depressed?" Youngjae said and everyone started to laugh.

"Yah shut up. I was not depressed. I was just thinking about all my memories that I have regain so far." I said.

"Oh so what have you come into a conclusion?" Himchan hyung ask.

"Well, every time I regain a piece of my memory, Soo Na is always there. So, I was thinking that maybe Soo Na is my childhood friend or something? Cause the necklace on her right now it's the same one I saw in my memory." I said.

"Wow. First time Daehyun is thinking." Zelo said.

"Yah this is not the first time!" I yelled and we burst out laughing even me.

"Where did Soo Na went?" I ask.

"Oh just now she went to the hospital to visit her friend. Then she came back, now she is outside taking a call." Youngjae said.

"Oh." I said. After a few minutes, Soo Na is has not came back in so I went out to look for her. Once I went out, I noticed that Soo Na's phone was outside the entrance. Her phone was cracked. I quickly went back in.

"Yah, I think Soo Na has been kidnapped." I said. I was in a panick mode.

"No way. She can protect herself." Leejoon said.

"Then why was her phone left outside and it's all cracked." I said furiously. That's when everyone stood up.

"We have to find her." Kangja said.

"Yes we will!" I yelled. Whoever did this to Soo Na, that person will pay. We were searching everywhere for her. We even went inside an abandoned building but no sign of her. Then we went back to the hide out.

"Ahhhh." I shouted.

"Yah calm down Daehyun!" Youngjae yelled at me.

"No I can't calm down because Soo Na is kidnapped and we have no idea where she is!" I yelled back at him. Suddenly, Yongguk punched me in the face and I fell to the ground.

"You seriously need to calm down." Yongguk said.

"Ne. Sorry about that." I apologised.

"It's okay." Yongguk replied.

"We will find her hyung." Zelo said.

"I know. I just hope she is alright." I said.

Soo Na's POV

My eyes flutter open and I realised that I am in an unfamiliar room. I tried moving my hands but they won't budge. That's when I realise that I am tied up to a chair.

"Aish. Where am I?" I said to myself.

"You are in an abandoned building." A guy said.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Yes you heard me." The guy said again. Argh my head hurts for some reason.

"Say hi to the camera." Another guy said and I realised that there is a camera is in front of me.

"Stop it Sam!" The other guy shouted. There were two guys in the room.

"Sorry Simon." Sam said in English I think.

"Let's beat her up first." Simon said.

"Sure." Sam said and grabbed a metal pipe. He started to hit my stomach like really hard. After a while of hitting, I was covered in blood. I coughed out blood.

"Argh.." I groaned weakly.

"Hahaha." They both started laughing.

"Yah let's start filming and sent it to them." Sam said.

"Sure let's get started." Simon said

Daehyun's POV

Suddenly I heard a notification on the laptop.

"Guys I think there is an email." I said and they quickly rush over to me. I open up the email page and there was a video. I click on the download button and it started to download. After it was done, I opened up the video and I saw a horror. It was two guys, beating up Soo Na. I got super angry until I was about to punch the laptop but I controlled my temper.

"If you want us to free her, bring us 10 million dollars to this location." The guy said and my phone buzzed. I checked it and it was a location. I guess we are suppose to meet them here.

"We will be waiting tomorrow at 8pm." The other guy said and ended the video.

"Damn it!" I yelled and punched the table.

"Calm down Daehyun." Youngjae said.

"Yes calm down. We all are angry but please do not hurt yourself." Himchan hyung said.

"Ne." I replied.

"So what are gonna do?" Leejoon ask.

"We are gonna steal that money and meet them at that location tomorrow." Yongguk said.

"Arraso." All of us said in unison.

"We will wait for 11pm later then we go and steal but first meet me up there." Yongguk said and pointed to the second floor. We went up there and started to plan.

"Okay so, we will wait for the bank truck here. Himchan and zelo you distract the people who are in the truck. Then Daehyun and Jongup come up from behind and leave them unconscious. After that, Leejoon and the rest of the gang go and steal the cash that are inside the truck. Arraso?" Yongguk said.

"Ne!" All of us said in unison. Wait for us Soo Na. We are coming to save you.

Heyy guys!! So... What do you guys think of the story so far?? Please comment and tell me about it!!😄😄 I hope you guys enjoyed reading this fanfic. I will try to upload Bad Boy In Luv another chapter by today. Thank you for reading!!😁😁💙

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