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Chapter 26

Soo Na's POV

I slowly opened my eyed and I looked around. I am in a unfamiliar room. I tried moving my arms but my right arm is chained up but it's just my left arm which I can move. After a while, I realise that I am laying on a bed.

Suddenly, the door of the room opened and revealed the person who look like Daehyun.

"YOU!" I yelled.

"Calm down. I am just here to take care of your wounds." He said. He came up to me with a first aid kid.

"You need to sit up so I can clean the blood off your head." He said and I just listen to him and sat up. While he is cleaning my wounds, I ask, "what's your name?"

"Kim Min Soo." He replied briefly.

"Alright." I replied. He bandaged my head and he just took the first aid kit and went out without saying anything else. After a while, I go with a mask on came in and release my hand. I tried to ran away but as soon as he release my hand, he grabbed my another hand. He tied up my hands behind my back and brought me out of the room. He brought me into a huge room. He pushed me and I can't keep my balance so I feel to the floor.

"Yah. You don't have to be that harsh on her." That voice. I know that voice.

"Min Hyuk?" I said his name.

"Yes. It is me." He replied. I could feel my blood boiling.

"You! You are the killer aren't you?!" I yelled.

"Of course. The Bap members told you didn't they." Min Hyuk said and smirked.

"Yes they did but I did not want to believe them cause you are like a father to me. You took care of me when my parents were killed. You trained me. You feed me. You cared for me when I was still hunted by the memories of the screams that I heard from my parents. But in the end, it was all just an act." I said.

"Well. The reason I put on an act is because I want see your pain when I killed the people you have met when you know. You go on a mission." He said.

"You are a psycho." I said.

"Well. You can put it that way." He said and laughed a bit.

"Why do you even want to ruin my life?" I ask.

"Well, not actually I wanted to ruin your life. Is actually I wanted to ruin your appa's life. Your appa always gets what he wants. Every time he get rewarded and I don't!" He yelled in my face.

"That does not make you to kill my parents and also kill my best friend!" I yelled back.

"Well I was suppose to kill your appa at that day when you went to your best friend's house but I thought of a little game. I should ruin his daughter's life instead of his." He explained his whole plan to me. He stood up from his seat and walked towards me. I was already sitting on the floor because a guy pulled me up into a sitting position. Min Hyuk squat down to meet my eye level.

"Have you received my gift for you?" He ask.

"What gift?" I ask in confuse.

"Min Soo come out." He said. After he said that, Min Soo came out of his hiding.

"This is my gift." He said.

"Yes, I have received your stupid gift." I said and roll my eyes.

"Well let me tell you a secret. He is your precious little best friend, Daehyun." He said and smirked. I just froze.

"No. This can't be. He.. " I could not find the words to say.

"Ya I know. He thought that he was dead but he isn't." He said.

"The doctor. The doctor said that he did not survive." I said. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Well, I told the doctor to tell you guys that Daehyun is dead so that he can come and work for me. Don't get my wrong, he did not lose his memories again. Wait, how about I just let him explain it to you." Min Hyuk said and grabbed Daehyun and pushed him to me.

"I... I.. did not die. Min Hyuk kept me here and treated me until I have fully healed. I did not want to work for him but I got no choice. He threatened me. He said that if I don't work for him, he would kill the Bap members and SMG members. Most of all, he would... he would kill you." Daehyun explain. A tear rolled down his cheeks. I really want to hug him right now but something is holding me back.

"Such a pity." Min Hyuk said and laughed.

"Well now that you have captured Soo Na for me. I will kill her right in front of your eyes." Min Hyuk said to Daehyun.

"NO! You promised you would not hurt her when I am working for you!" Daehyun yelled.

"Oh did I? I kind of forgotten. Well I don't remember." Min Hyuk said while smirking.

"Damn you Min Hyuk!" Daehyun yelled and started to charge at Min Hyuk. But before he can even reach Min Hyuk, some guys who work for Min Hyuk intercepted. They hold Daehyun on the ground. Min Hyuk approach Daehyun and said, " Before I kill Soo Na, I will kill you first." Min Hyuk pulled out a gun and point it at Daehyun.

"Goodbye Daehyun." Min Hyuk said.

"NOOOO." I yelled. I closed my eyes cause I do not want to see. After a while, I heard a gunshot.


Heyy guys!!! So so sorry for the late update:( How do you guys like that fanfic so far? I hope you guys like it:)) Thank you for reading!!


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