The Horror

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Chapter 2

Soo Na's POV

I woke up extra early today because I am so excited to go to Daehyun's house. I did my morning routine and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning eomma!" I greeted my eomma and gave her a kiss.

"Where is appa?" I asked.

"Oh he went to work early this morning." My eomma replied.

"Oh okay." I replied.

"Here is your breakfast! Pancakes your favourite!" My eomma said.

"Yay!! Thank you eomma!" I thanked my eomma.

"You are welcome!" My eomma replied. Me and my eomma ate our breakfast quietly. After finishing my breakfast I went upstairs to change into my clothes for the day. After I was done changing, I checked the time, it was 12.30pm. Well I left 30 minutes. I should just go downstairs to the living room and watch television. I was too absorbed to the show I did not realise that it wax 1pm already. Daehyun should be here any, minute! After like 30 seconds I hear a honk outside my house. It was Daehyun and his eomma.

"Eomma! I will be going now!" I yelled so that my eomma can hear me from her room.

"Arraso! Be back by 5pm okay?" My eomma yelled back.

"Ne!" I shouted and left the house. I hopped into Daehyun's eomma's car and we drove to Daehyun's house.

"I can't wait to see how your house loom like!" I squealed.

"Haha it's quite small. It's not as big as your house." Daehyun said while giggling. After some minutes of driving, we arrived at Daehyun's house. Daehyun lived in a apartment building. We took the lift and went up to the 6th floor where his house is located. Daehyun unlocked the door and we went in. I was so amazed. His house is like so pretty and it looks expensive even though this is a apartment.

"So what should we do?" Daehyun asked.

"Urm... I don't know." I replied.

"Oh about we play x-box?" Daehyun suggested.

"Sure!" I said. When we were playing half way, Daehyun eomma has to go out and run some errands. She said that she will be back by 4.

"You want some drinks?" Daehyun asked.

"Sure." I replied. When Daehyun went to get the drinks, I heard a knock on the door.

"Daehyun oppa! There is someone at the door!" I shouted so that Daehyun could hear me.

"Got it!" Daehyun said and came out of the kitchen. He went to the front door and see who that person was. He opened the door and at the front door there was a man with a black mask, sunglasses and black hat. He was wearing all black. That man suddenly pushed Daehyun aside and came into the house. He was walking to me. I stepped back but he keep on coming forward. I saw him he was carrying a knife.

"DAEHYUN OPPA PLEASE HELP ME! HE HAS A KNIFE!" I screamed. But Daehyun was unconscious. I kept moving back until my back hit the wall.

"Oh I am not gonna hurt you with this knife. I am just gonna kill you with fire and you will die a horrible death. Well goodbye." The man said and he quickly ran out of the apartment. He locked the door from the front door. I quickly ran to Daehyun.

"Oppa please wake up! Please!" I was crying. I was scared to death. I kept on shaking him. I can smell the smoke from outside.

"Oppa please wake up there is a fire please wake up oppa!" I yelled and I say Daehyun opened his eyes.

"What happened?" Daehyun asked.

"We are locked inside and there is a fire outside." I said while crying.

"WHAT?!" Daehyun shouted and ran to tgs front door. He started to bang the door asking if there is anybody our there. I went to looked out of the window but there was fire.

"HELP WHO EVER IS OUT THERE!" I shouted and it seems like some people heard me. They started to run into the building. The fire started to spread very fast. The fire was inside the house also.

"Oppa I am scared." I said.

"It's okay Soo Na. Everything will be okay." Daehyun said while hugging me. Suddenly we heard a lot of banging outside the door. After some time, the door burst open.

"Lets go kids. We all are here for you so its okay." A tall man said. Me and Daehyun followed him out of the house. While we were making our way out of the building, a boulder was about to drop on me but, Daehyun pushed me and the boulder fell on him instead of me.

"OPPA!!!!" I shouted and the adults in front heard me and ran to Daehyun to pick up the boulder off him. When a guy tried to pull me out of the building I shouted, "NO I WANT TO STAY WITH DAEHYUN OPPA!" But the guy won't even let me go. When I reached the outside of the building, the whole apartment building was on fire.

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP DAEHYUN!!  HE IS STILL INSIDE." I shouted and some people went into the building. I wanted to go in but a fire fighter pulled me.

"NO LET ME GO I WANT TO GO INSIDE!" I yelled and bit his arm. I was about to go in but the building exploded. I just stood there in shock.

"I am so sorry girl, but the people who are inside the building are dead. Including your best friend." A man said. My best friend is dead? No. No. It can't be. Before I know it, I blacked out.

Heyy guys!! This is another chapter. I hope u guys liked it!!😁😁 I got the feels to right today hahaha😅😅 will be uploading another chapter later.😄😄 please help to vote🙏🙇

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