Another Incident

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Chapter 3

Soo Na's POV

I woke up in a unfamiliar room. I looked around the room and I saw my parents talking to the doctor.

"Eomma, appa." I called with a weak voice.

"Omo. Soo Na you are awake." My eomma said.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"You are in a hospital." My appa said.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"You don't remember anything?" My eomma said. I was think very hard until it hit me. I was at Daehyun's house until...

"AHHHHHHHH!" I screamed.

"Soo Na calmed down." The doctor said.

"Daehyun is dead because of me." I said repeatedly while grabbing my hair.

"No Soo Na is not your fault." My eomma said but I just ignore her.

"There was a man." I said.

"What man?" My appa said.

"He knocked on the door and Daehyun went to opened it. When he opened the door there was a man wearing all black. He pushed Daehyun and his head hit the sofa so he was unconscious. He came over to me with a knife in his hands and told me that I am gonna die a horrible death." I said while shaking in fear. My eomma saw and hugged me.

"It's okay Soo Na. Everything will be okay. I am here for you. Me and appa are here to protect you." My eomma said.

"She will get discharged tomorrow." The doctor said.

"Thank you doctor." My eomma said and the doctor left. After a few minute, Daehyun's eomma came in.

"Where is Daehyun?" She asked.

" I am so sorry but your son died while saving my daughter." My eomma said.

"No way. No he is not dead. HE IS NOT DEAD." Daehyun's eomma just went crazy. She started smashing things in the room.

"Doctor! Please come in!" My appa yelled. After that, the doctor and the nurses came in and dragged Daehyun's eomma away. I feel bad for Daehyun's eomma.

Fast forward to tomorrow

It is the day I get discharged.

"Soo Na are you ready to go?" My eomma said.

"Ne." I replied.

"Okay then. Change into these clothes and let's go." My eomma said. I just nodded and went into the bathroom to change. After I was done, I went to find my eomma.

"Okay let's go eomma." I said and we left the hospital. When we reached home, I went to kissed my dad and went into my room. I did not want to see any of my friends at school. I miss you Daehyun. I started to cry. If it was just me who was in your place. You did not have to pushed me out of the way. No, I wish that the boulder would not have fell in the first place. I  cried myself to sleep. Suddenly my eyed flew open when I heard banging downstairs in the living room or in the kitchen. Suddenly I heard laughter. The laughter got nearer to my room. I quickly got out of the bed and locked my bedroom door. I went to hide under my bed because that is the only place I can think of. Plead don't come into my room. After an hour, I heard no noises in the house anymore so I went out of my room and to my parents room. They were not there. I went downstairs and I could believe what I just saw. My parents are lying on the floor dead. I noticed that there was a note on the wall. I wen to read it. It says I will be back. It was written in blood.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I screamed and went out of the house. It was dark. I went to my neighbour's house and I started to ring the door bell.

"Is anyone there?? I need some help please!" I said while banging on the door. Suddenly the door flew open.

"What happened Soo Na?" Mrs and Mr Park asked in unison.

"My parents are.. are murdered." I said while crying.

"WHAT?! let's go check it out." After they said that we went to my house. They saw the horrible scene and called the police. When the police arrived, one man came over to me and asked some questions.

"Did you see who murdered your parents?" The man asked.

"No." I replied.

"Where were you hiding?" The man asked.

"In my bedroom." I replied.

"Yah! Don't pressure her. She just went through a horrible incident." A tall man came over to us.

"Hi I am Min Hyuk." The tall man said.

"Hi Mr Hyuk." I replied.

"You must be Soo Na." Min Hyuk said.

"How you kno-"

"I am close to your parents. From today onwards I will be taking you in and train you as a undercover agent. I will teach you how to fight and all the stuff that underciver agent need." Min Hyuk said.

"Okay. I will find who killed my parents and my best friend and get him arrested." I said.

Today is the day of my parents and Daehyun's funeral. I was very sad. That man took away my best friend and even my parents. He will pay for this. After the funeral, I follwed Min Hyuk to his car and we drove to his house. His house is so huge.

"This is your room. I heard from your parents that you love blue a lot so I painted the room light blue. I hope you like it." Min Hyuk said.

"Of course I love it!" I said and hugged him. I was surprised that he hugged me back.

"Well just to let you know your training started tomorrow." Min Hyuk said.

"Yes sir." I said.

"Okay good night Soo Na." Min Hyuk said.

"Good night Mr Hyuk." I said. After a while of rolling over and over o just could not sleep. I missed my parents and Daehyun. The way that that can rest in peace is to find out who the killer his. I have a feeling that the incident at the apartment is somehow connected to the killing of my parents. I have to sleep or else I won't be able to wake up tomorrow for training. After a while I feel asleep.

Heyy guys!! Here is another chapter!! I hope you guys liked it!!😄😄 Will be uploading another chapter later😁😁

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