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Chapter 20

Soo Na's POV

I woke up at sound of people yelling outside. I quickly pull out my earphones and ran out. When I went out, I saw a gang? Standing at the entrance of the hide out.

"Guys what's happening?" I ask.

"Tsk. These stupid guys again. They won't even stop disturbing me." Daehyun said.

"Who are they?" I ask.

"They are the ones that Daehyun beat when we were in school." Youngjae whispered to me.

"Ohhh." I replied.

"Get you guys just get lost?!" Daehyun yelled.

"Of course not. Do it." A guy said to the others guys. He seems to be the, leader. The other guys went out and went back in with a can of oil. They turned the can and oil spilled out. This is flammable oil. What are they doing?

Suddenly, the leader took out a lighter and just dropped it on the oil.

"Bye losers. Have fun." The leader said and they went off. Everything started to burn.

"We have to hurry up and get out of here!" I shouted.

"Of course. I'll go and get newspapers." Zelo said and went to the back to get newspaper. When he got back, he started to throw newspaper everywhere.

"Alright the fire is lowering. Lets get out of here." Yongguk said and we all made our way to the entrance. Well, not all of us. I noticed Daehyun was just standing there.

"Daehyun hurry up or else the fire will get big again!" I shouted but he just ignored me and just stand there. I went towards him and shook him to get him out of his thoughts. After a while, he grabbed his head. He is in pain. After that, he passed out. No, not at this time. I can feel that the fire is growing bigger and bigger. I carried him on my back and ran out. I got some burns but is okay. I made it out alive.

"Where were you I thought you were-. What happen to Daehyun?" Youngjae ask?

"He fainted. I think he recovered some memories." I replied.

"You got some burns." Jongup said.

"Oh it's nothing." I said.

"It is something. We need to get it treated." Leejoon said.

"Let's go to my place. At my place there are some aid there cause my appa is a doctor." Kangja said.

"Alright then. I'll carry Daehyun." Youngjae said and carried Daehyun on his back. We walked to Kangja's place. We arrived at her place about 5 minutes.

"Woah your house is huge!" I exclaimed.

"Ahaha ya." Kangja said. We went in and Kangja helped me with my burns. After she was done, I went to see Daehyun. He was laying on the bed so peacefully. He look so handsome. Suddenly, he started mumbling, "Soo Na lets get out of here." Aftwr a while, he sat straight up. He was awake.

"Daehyun." I said. He just looked at me like I am a ghost or something. I was about to open my mouth to say something but, he hugged me.

"How could I not have remember my own childhood friend?" He said. Childhood friend? No way, he....

"Yes, I have remembered everything." He added on. I hugged back.

"I thought you were-"

"Dead?" Daehyun continued my sentence.

"Yongguk saved me from that fire. You know that crazy man that caused the whole entire apartment building to collapse." He added on.

"You really are Daehyun." I said and I cried. Daehyun broke the hug and whipped my tears away.

"Is it not good to have your childhood friend back?" He ask playfully.

"Of course!" I replied.

************************************Hey guys! Sorry for the super late update😔 and sorry for the short chapter. I maybe updating another chapter later so stay tune😄

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