The Real Mission

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Chapter 11

Soo Na's POV

I woke at the sound of my alarm. I don't feel like getting up.

"Just 5 more minutes." I said and I doze off to sleep. I woke up and I checked the time and is was 6.45am.

"I AM GONNA BE LATE CRAP!" I shouted and I did my morning routine as fast as I could. I skipped breakfast because I got no time to eat. Before I head off to school, I checked the time it was 6.50am. I take 5 minutes to reach school so I should run. I ran out of my door and off to school. I reached the school front gate in about like 3 minutes cause I can run fast. Miss Lee has been training me to run fast so now I can run like fast. I quickly ran to my classroom and the teacher was already there.

"Am I late?" I asking through my panting.

"No you are not but you are gonna be in about 2 minutes if you haven't arrived now." The teacher said.

"Haha ya." I replied.

"Go to your seat." The teacher said and I went to sit at my seat.

"Okay let's start the class." The teacher said. The class went on for 1 hour and the class finally ended. But it is time for my next class. I just realise that Daehyun and Youngjae is not here. Are they sick?? Suddenly I heard a someone calling my name. I looked outside of my classroom and I saw Leejoon and Miya outside. They were signalling me to go outside. I went outside.

"Yah did you really just take 1 hour of class?" Leejoon asked.

"Ne." I replied.

"We were looking for you all over the school since school start and you were in the classroom all along?" Miya said frustrated.

"Not all along. I came late." I said.

"Oh that explains it. Want to ditch the rest of the lessons today?" Leejoon asked.

"Sure why not." I said.

"Go get your stuff." Leejoon said and I went to get my stuff. We went out of the school and went to our secret hide out. Bap and the rest of SMG were there.

"Yo you finally reach." Youngjae said.

"Haha ya." I said. We were talking and suddenly I got a phone call.

"Sorry guys I need to pick up this call." I said and I went into a quiet corner so that they won't here the conversation.

"Hello?" I said through the phone line.

"How have you been Soo Na." Mr Hyuk said.

"Oh I am fine Mr Hyuk." I replied.

"You can just call me Min Hyuk." He said.

"Oh arraso." I replied.

"Have you gotten close to them?" He asked.

"Ne." I replied.

"Okay here is the mission. You have to keep an eye on them. See if they got do any crime in the future. I got this sense that they will be wanted criminals in the future." Min Hyuk said.

"Okay I will keep an eye on them." I said.

"Oh one more thing, keep an eye on Daehyun." Min Hyuk said.

"Arraso." I said.

"Okay bye have fun." Min Hyuk said and hang up.

"*sigh* keep an eye on them." I said and I walked back to talk to SMG and BAP.

"Yah Soo Na. We want to hear more about you. Like about your childhood." Minne said.

"Okay. I got a very bad memory about my childhood. There is a man trying to kill me. He killed my best friend and my parents. Now I am trying to find that man and get my revenge." I said.

"We will help you to get revenge." Yongguk said.

"Ya we will help you since we consider you as family." Leejoon said.

"Thanks guys." I said.

"No problem." Kangja said. Well this will be a long mission.

3 years later

Well it's been 3 years. I am still with SMG and BAP. The one thing that change is Leejoon made me the gang, leader of SMG. I was shock at first but now I am okay with it. We have graduated from high school and now we are in our 20s. Min Hyuk told me to keep an eye on them and he also said that he sense that they will become wanted criminals. Well he is kind of right because they have started to steal. Guess what? They also steal money from bank trucks. I kind of helped them too but Min Hyuk does not know. Well now we are counting the money that we stole.

"Wah we are gonna be reach!" Youngjae yelled.

"Aish you are too loud." Jongup said and we all brust out laughing.

"Those police won't even catch us or even find us." Jaesoo said.

"Can 2 of you guys go and get the guns I ordered yesterday?" Yongguk asked.

"I with go." Daehyun said.

"Me too." I said.

"Okay here is the money." Yongguk said and throw us the roll of money.

"Meet him at the underground passage." Yongguk said.

"Arraso." Daehyun said and we left. Why is my heart beating so fast. Am I nervous? No it can't be. Am I really in love with Daehyun?

Daehyun's POV

I admit it. I am in love with Soo Na. But I don't dare to confess cause I am scared that she would reject me. I just in to wait a bit more then I will confess. I was deep into my thoughts that I did not realise that we have already reach the entrance of the underground passage. Me and Soo Na went inside and we saw a masked man.

"Did you guys orders guns?" The man asked.

"Ya we did." I said. I was about to open the box but the man stepped on the lid prevent me from opening it.

"Money first." The man said.

"Fine." I said and I passed him the money.

"Okay that's good enough the guns are all yours." The man said and left. I checked the box and it was full of guns.

"Let's go." I said and Soo Na just nod her head. It was very awkward when we were walking back to out hide out. We had to wear hats and mask to prevent any of the people to recognise us. I broke the silence.

"So, How is being the gang leader?" I asked.

"It's alright." Soo Na replied and back to bring silent. Well I hope I can get my courage to confess to her.

Heyy guys!!! Here is another chapter!! Hope you guys like it. Please help to vote!!🙏🙇 Thank you!!

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