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Chapter 19

Soo Na's POV 

I woke up on my own. I checked the time and it was 12pm. Wow i slept for 12 hours. Great job. I did my morning routine and went out of my room.

"Morning Soo Na." Daehyun said.

"Morning." I replied. Argh I still feel so damn tired. I feel like I am gonna pass out soon cause of tiredness. 

"Gwaechana?" Youngjae said and walked towards me.

"Nan gwaenchana. I am just tired." I replied.

"Don't push yourself too hard." Daehyun said.

"Ne I won't." I replied and I went to the table to eat my breakfast. 

"Here is your food." Himchan said.

"Bacon and eggs. Thanks." I said and started eating.

"Today we won't have any hunting to do right?" Leejoon ask.

"Yup. Today is our day off." I replied and smiled.

"Done eating." I said and went to put my plate in the sink.

"Whose turn to do the washing?" I ask.

"Me." Zelo replied and went to do the dishes.

"What you guys want to do today?" Yongguk ask.

"How about we go to the amusement park?" Jongup suggested.

"Sure." I agreed.

"I want to go to the amusement park!" Zelo shout from the kitchen.

"Haha I guess he can still hear from the kitchen." Yongguk laughed.

"Alright then, lets go to the amusement park." I said. All of us packed the the things we wanted to bring. Zelo was done washing the dishes so we can all set off.

"Min Hyuk let us borrow is car so we has a diver's licence?" I ask.

"Me." Youngjae said.

"It looks like is isn't enough to fit all of us. There are like 12 of us and the car can only fit 5." Daehyun said.

"That's the point." I said and smirked.

"I saw that smirk. What are you planning?" Youngjae ask.

"Okay we are gonna play gawibawibo. The odd one out will win. There will be 5 winners." I explained the rules.

"So are you playing?" Daehyun ask.

"Of course." I replied. So after 3 rounds, we have the winners. The winners are, me, Daehyun, Youngjae, Himchan and Zelo.

"Ahh this is my unlucky day." Zelo said.

"Haha. It looks like you guys need to take the bus." I said and smirked.

"Fine." Yongguk said.

"Well we will meet you guys there I guess." Leejoon said.

"Meet us at the entrance of the amusement park." I said and they left off.

"Well lets get the car started." Youngjae said. Daehyun, me, Youngjae, Himchan and Zelo went inside the car. Youngjae is in the driver's seat. Himchan is in the passenger's seat in the the front. I sat near the window and Daehyun sat next to me and beside him is Zelo. Youngjae started the car and we went off. It was pretty quiet for the whole ride. After like 20 minutes of driving, we finally reached the amusement park. 

"Yes! We are finally here." Zelo exclaimed.

"We sure are." I said.

"I guess the rest are not here yet?" Himchan ask.

"Yup. I told them to meet us here. Lets just wait for them." I said. After 5 minutes, they finally arrived.

"Yah what are you guys so slow?" Zelo whined.

"We took the bus remember?" Yongguk said and glared at Zelo. Zelo glared back.

"Alright  alright. Stop with the glares. We are here to have fun right?" I said.

"Ya you are right. Sorry for the glare." Yongguk apologised.

"Me too." Zelo aplogised too.

"Alright, why don't we go and get out tickets so that we all can go in." Himchan said.

"Me and Himchan will go and get the tickets. You all just wait for us at the store right over there." Yongguk said and left off. The rest of us went to wait for them at the shop that Yongguk told us to wait for him and Himchan. After a while of waiting, they finally got the tickets and we quickly went in.

"So, what ride should be ride first?" I ask.

"Urm.... how about that one?" Daehyun suggested whil pointing at the ride.

"Fine by me. You guys?" I ask.

"Sure." The rest of them agreed in unison.

"Then lets go." I said and we went off to line up for the ride. I must admit, while we were lining up and waiting for our turn, I felt very nervous. I have never rode a roller-coaster ride before. First because I got lock up in the HQ. Second, even though Min Hyuk let me go out to get some fresh air, I still did not want to go out. He told me that he would bring to an amusement park but I did not want to go. 

"Yah. Gwaenchana?" Daehyun ask and that snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, nan gwaenchana. No need worry about me." I replied.

"You look nervous." Yongguk said.

"Ya. Your face look really pale." Daehyun added.

"Oh really its nothing. I'm fine." I replied.

"Alright if you say so." Youngjae said.

We are on the roller-coaster. I am sitting beside Daehyun. 

"Are you really alright?" Daehyun asks.

"Actually no. I am kind of scared." I admit.

"Oh that's it? You no need to be scared. Just remember that I am sitting beside you." Daehyun said. That sentence made my heart skipped a beat. The roller-coaster started moving up the slope. 

"Do you want to hold my hand to make you feel better?" Daehyun ask. I just nod and I hold his hand. After a while, the roller-coaster went at high speed down the slope and made my scream my lungs out. When the ride has come into an end, w got off and went to find something to snack on. 

"That was a great ride!" Zelo exclaimed. 

"Yup!" Daehyun agreed. 

We went on almost all of the rides in the amusement park. It was so much fun! The same people who took the bus to come here will take the bus back to the hide out the rest that did not take the bus will ride the car back. Almost for the whole ride, it was very silent because almost all of us are asleep. Well, except for me and Youngjae. For Youngjae is because he needs to drive and for me is I can't. I kept on thinking about the man who killed my best friend and my parents. When we reach, I woke Daehyun, Himchan and Zelo up to go in to the hide out. They immediately went to their rooms and they never came out. Well I guess they are too sleepy.

"Youngjae, you should get some sleep." I said.

"Arraso. Nights Soo Na." Youngjae said and went into his room. I waited for the rest to get here then I went to my room. I changed into my pjs, did my routine and laid on my bed. I kept on rolling right, left, right left. I just can't sleep. I brought out my phone and my earphones to listen to some music to make me fall asleep. After a while, my eyelids are getting heavy and I fell asleep.


Heyy guys!!! I hope you guys like this chapter!! I would not be updating this fanfic for a while cause I need to finish writing Bad Boy In Luv then I will write this one. I hope you guys will understand. Please go check out the Bad Boy In Luv fanfic. You can find it in my profile. It is a fanfic about bts. Thank you for reading!!


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