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Chapter 23

Soo Na's POV

I was following the nurses and doctor to where they are going. It seems to be a surgery room.

"I am sorry miss but you have to stop here." A nurse stopped me. I turned behind and saw the others were getting pushed inside too. All the SMG members were at my side.

"Damn it! I should have gone with them!" Leejoon shouted and punched the wall. 

"Leejoon please. Do not hurt yourself." Jaesoo said.

"She is right. Calm down. Everything will be fine." Miya said. A tear rolled down my cheek. Kangja hugged me and said, "Everything will be fine. We need to have hope that they will survive this." I just nod. I sat at the seats outside of the surgery rooms. Hours past and no one came out of the surgery rooms. Some of the SMG members fell asleep. Leejoon went to get food. I look at the clock and it was 11pm. Leejoon came back with the foods. She woke up the members who were sleeping. Leejoon past me a box of rice with some toppings. We ate the food silently. Suddenly, the doors opened and a doctor came out. We quickly ran to them.

"How are they doctor?" I ask one of the doctor.

"I am sorry but one of them has passed on." The doctor replied. My heart broke into pieces when I heard that.

"And who is that?" Leejoon ask.

"Jung Daehyun." The doctor replied. I just dropped down to the floor. 

"How about the rest?" Minne ask.

"The rest are fine but one of them is in a coma and that is Yoo Youngjae." The doctor replied.

"Okay." Minne replied.

"I am so sorry for your lost." The doctor gave every single one of us a hug and left. I just kneel down on the floor do not know what to do. 

"Lets go and see the members." Leejoon said and helped me up. We went into all of the Bap members room. I went into Daehyun's room first. He was just laying there peacefully. I went to sit beside him. I hold his hands and they were cold. I touched his cheeks and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"You promised that you all will be safe and now the doctor said that you are dead. Please someone tell me this is a dream. Please." I said and I started to cry out loud. 

"I could not even tell you how much I love you. I did not accept your confession because Min Hyuk says that I can't fall in love with anyone. But at that time, I have already developed some feelings for you. I just do not want to admit it. Now, I just wish that you are alive to hear this." I confessed. Now I don't really care if Min Hyuk will hear this or not. I just need to lift this off my chest.

"I don't want to lose you again. I just found out that you are my childhood best friend and now you are dead. Please wake up. I don't want to lose you." I cried even harder now. Suddenly, the SMG members came in and hug me.

"I believe that Daehyun loved you until the very end." Leejoon said. I just cried and cried.

"We need to go already. The doctors told us that they would help us to bury him and we need to let the other members rest." Minne said. I just nod and we head off to Kangja's house. When we reached, I just head up to the room that I slept in just now. I locked myself in and just laid on the bed and cried. I just could not believe that Daehyun is not in this world anymore. 

"This can't be true." I said to myself. 

"This can't be." I repeated. For the rest of the night I just kept on crying and crying. In the end, I cried myself to sleep.


Heyy guys!!! Here is another chapter for you guys!! Hope you guys liked it. Thank you for reading and I will be uploading another chapter maybe. So stay tune!!


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