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Chapter 25

Soo Na's POV

What does this mean? The killer is the closes to me? I think I should hear back to the hospital.

I went out of the cemetery and head back to the hospital. Once I have reached, I head to Yongguk's room.

"Oh hi." Yongguk greeted me when I entered the room.

"Hi. How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Good but still recovering from the news." Yongguk said.

"All of us are here for you so don't suffer alone." I said and gave him a hug.

"Thanks Soo Na." He said.

"Your welcome." I replied and smiled.

"Where were you just now?" He ask.

"I was visiting Daehyun and my parents." I said.

"It must have been very hard for you. Losing your best friend and your parents." He said.

"How you know?" I ask.

"I overheard your conversation with Daehyun. So did the others." He said.

"Oh." I replied.

"Ya. I am very sorry for eavesdropping." He apologised.

"No it's okay. Oh, and I need to show you something." I said and took out the note to show Yongguk. I saw that Yongguk's hands clenched into a fist.

"The killer is Min Hyuk." He whispered. He thought that I did not heard that but I did.

"What?! He is not!" I shouted.

"He is Soo Na. On the day that we went to meet the killer and it was a trap set up by Min Hyuk. I am not lying. The other members also saw." Yongguk said.

"If he is the killer, why should he take care of me when my parents got killed? Why would he train me as an undercover agent?" I said.

"Maybe he wants to find a good opportunity to kill you." Yongguk said.

"I have heard enough." I said and was planning to walk out. When I was at the door, Yongguk called me but I ignore him and walked out.

Min Hyuk's POV

I knew that Soo Na won't believe anyone cause this was my plan. I took care of her because I want to earn her trust and then slowly I will break her. Kill all of her friends and especially that kid Jungkook. He knew that it was me who killed Soo Na's best friend Daehyun and her parents. That is why I want to get rid of him but it seems like he is saved once again.

"I have heard enough." I heard Soo Na said. I quickly ran off to a corner so that Soo Na won't see me.After a while, I saw her walk out, then she just ran off. I need to make sure that she stays this way. While not like she will stay like this forever. She will have a huge surprise later on.

Soo Na's POV

I just kept running and running. I just gave up. I let my legs take me to wherever I am running to. In the end, I stopped in front of the secret hideout. It was all burnt because of the fire that day. I went inside. All the memories that I have spent with the Bap members and SMG members were here. I was just walking around the secret hideout when I heard some rattling noise coming from a room. I walked closer to where the noise came from and it was coming from Daehyun's room. I opened the door slightly to look who is inside the room. I can't see his face because he is wearing a mask and a cap. I opened the door more but the door made a cricking sound. That person turned around. I still could not figure out who he was. I quickly ran out of the secret hideout. I looked behind me while I was running but that person was not following me.

I turned back to the front and I bumped into a person. 

"I am so sorry I did not see where I was going." I apologised. I looked up and it was Daehyun. 

"Oh my gosh Daehyun!" I exclaimed and hugged him. To my surprise he did not hug me back. I let go of him and he said, " I think you got he wrong person I am not Daehyun." I looked at his clothes and he is wearing the same clothes as that person I saw in the secret hideout. 

"Were you in the abandoned place just now." I ask while pointing to the secret hideout.

"I guess you have realised." He said. When he said that, I quickly took a step back away from him.

"Who are you?" I ask. 

"I can't tell you that." He said and took a step towards me. 

"I'm so sorry." I heard him whispered. Suddenly, at the corner of my eye, I saw a person swing a pipe at the back my head. The pipe hit me hard. I fell down to the floor. I am losing consciousness.

"I told you not to hit her so hard!" The person who looks like Daehyun shouted at the person who hit me.

"Sorry I could not control my strength." The person who hit me said and smirked.

"Lets just get her back to him." The person who looks like Daehyun said. After he said that, I blacked out.


Heyy guys!! I am so sorry for the late update:( I will try to publish the other chapter as soon as I can:) I hope you guys like this chapter!!! Thank you for reading this fanfic!!!


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