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Chapter 4

Soo Na's POV

I woke up at the sound of a siren outside of the house. I looked at a clock beside my bed and it was only 2am. What happened? I walked down to the living room and saw Min Hyuk lying on the floor with a pool of blood. Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind. I started screaming but no point. He covered my mouth. Suddenly, I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach. I looked down and noticed that the man has stabbed me.

"Haha. Die a horrible death." The man said.

Suddenly, I flew open my eyes. I looked around and I am in Mr Hyuk's house. I touched my stomach and there was no wound there. "It was just a nightmare." I thought to myself. I looked at the time and it was 8am. I decided to get out of bed cause I do not want to have a nightmare again. I did not morning routine and went downstairs. I noticed that Mr Hyuk is awake already.

"Oh Soo Na, you are awake." Mr Hyuk said.

"Ne. Good morning." I greeted him.

"Oh yes. Good morning Soo Na." My Hyuk replied.

"Here is your breakfast, pancakes." Mr Hyuk said.

"Thank you." I replied and started to eat my breakfast. After finishing my breakfast, I went up to get my training clothes that Mr Hyuk told me to wear to get changed. After I was done changing, Mr Hyuk And I made our way to the police headquarter. When we reached, we made our way inside. It was so huge! I can't even see the top.

"Stay here, I will be right back." Mr hyuk told me and he went into a office.

"Hi." A boy said.

"Hi." I replied.

"What are you doing here? You lost your way or something?" That boy said and started to laugh.

"I am not!" I yelled.

"Haha. No need to get embarrassed this is a police headquarter and the only reason a girl is here because she is lost." The boy said while laughing. After he said that, I started to cry.

"Omo. Soo Na why are you crying?" Mr Hyuk came out of the office and asked.

"He bully me." I said while crying.

"What did I say not to bully other people Jungkook." Mr Hyuk said.

"But she really lost her way." Jungkook said.

"No she did not. I brought her here to train as a undercover agent." Mr Hyuk said.

"What?!" Jungkook said.

"Yes you heard me then go head to training. It is starting soon." Mr Hyuk said.

"Ne." Jungkook replied and he left.

"Now don't cry. He is gone." Mr Hyuk said and I stopped crying.

"Now let's head to your training." Mr Hyuk said and I just nodded. Mr Hyuk brought me to a training room. Once I entered I saw the boy again. Jungkook. Why must he be here?

"Miss Lee!" Mr Hyuk called her and she came over.

"Yes sir?" Mr Lee asked.

"Meet Soo Na. She will be joining your class with Jungkook." Mr Hyuk.

"Oh hi Soo na." Miss Lee greeted me.

"Hi." I replied.

"Don't worry I won't bite." She said while laughing a bit.

"I will be in my office if you ever need anything." My Hyuk told me and left.

"Alright let's start." Miss Lee said.

"So the first thing we are doing is teach you guys how to fight. I will be showing you an example." Miss Lee said and walked over to the punching bag. Of course me and Jungkook followed her.

"So first you stand in position. Your left leg in front and your right leg behind. The first move is you punch the punching bag 2 times and after that you do a kick." Miss Lee said and she showed the example. After she was done, me and Jungkook started to clap.

"Okay so you two will pick 1 punching bag and practice the move until you get it right." Miss Lee said.

"Ne!" Me and Jungkook said in unison. I picked her punching bag and started to practice.

"Wow Soo Na! You are good at this. Keep it up!" Miss Lee praised me.

"Thank you!" I said.

"You too Jungkook." Miss Lee said. The whole day we just practice how to fight and all the rules about being an undercover agent.

7 years later

"I won again." I said.

"Next time I'll win." Jungkook replied. Well I help him up. We were playing wrestling. I won to the total of 37 times and Jungkook only won 1 time. I reached out a hand to help him up and he accept it.

"I bet next time I will win you again." I said and we started to burst into laughter.

I can't believe it has been 7 years. I have never been to school after what happened 7 years ago. My only friend is Jungkook. I have never done a mission but Miss Lee said that I am ready to to a mission if we ever receive an mission. I just can't believe I shut myself out from the world. I don't want any of loved ones dying ever again. I just can't bear to see another death.

Heyy guys!!! Here is another chapter!!  I hope you guys liked it!!! Please bear my grammer😔😔 Please leave a vote thank you!!!😄🙏🙇

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