Out Of Jail

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Chapter 17

Soo Na's POV

I was waiting for BAP and SMG to arrive at my office. I don't know why but I feel kind of nervous. Like really nervous. I wonder if they will be angry at me or something. Probably they will be angry at me cause I lyed to them. I was thinking that they might not show up at all but, suddenly, the door flew open and it was BAP and SMG.

They just walked in silently.

"Seriously? Working for you? That's your idea of getting us out of jail?" Daehyun said while glaring at me.

"At least you are out of the cell right?" I said in a joking tone.

"This is no time for jokes Soo Na. We are serious here." Yongguk said.

"Sorry. I just need to lighten the mood in here." I said and hung my head low.

"Hey it's okay." Kangja said.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course it's not okay." Youngjae said.

"Wae?" I ask.

"Wae? Cause you just got us arrested and now we are working for you? Are you serious!" Daehyun yelled.

"Calm down. That's the only way I can get you out of jail." I said.

"Well but we are still stuck with the police." Himchan said.

"I could not think of anything else anymore. I'm sorry." I said guiltily.

"*sigh* well at least this should be okay." Leejoon said.

"What are we gonna do then?" Jongup ask. I explained everything that we are suppose to do.

"Kill people?!" Yongguk shouted.

"Shh." I shushed him.

"Sorry." Yongguk said.

"It's okay and ya. My boss told me to do so and I was shock at first but maybe I will get use to it." I said.

"When do we start?" Daehyun ask.

"At night." I replied.

"Arraso." Yongguk said.

"What are we going to do now then?" Zelo ask.

"How about we grab something to eat?" Youngjae suggested.

"You guys go ahead, I got something to do." I replied.

"Oh okay then. But, meet us at our hide out later to do the hunting." Leejoon said.

"Arraso. Bye." I said and they went off. I went to Min Hyuk's office to get the list of people we need to hunt. After that, I went to the hospital to visit Jungkook.

"Hey." I said when I entered Jungkook's hospital room. 

"Hey." He replied. I told Jungkook everything that happened.

"Wow. You do care about them don't you." Jungkook said.

"Yes I do but I can't let Min Hyuk know or else I will be dead by now." I joked and we burst out laughing. We chat for a while and when I checked the time, it was 8pm. Wow, I do not know that time past by so quickly.

"I got to go. I got a job to do." I said to Jungkook.

"Oh arraso. Bye and I will be discharged tomorrow so i'll see you tomorrow." Jungkook replied.

"Alright!" I said to Jungkook and I left the room. Well its time to go to the hide out. I took a cab and I reached there about 8.10. I went inside the hide out and it was all in a mess.

"What happened here?" I ask out loud.

"Daehyun went crazy for a while and he passed out." Youngjae replied.

"Ah! You scared me. But why did he went 'crazy'?" I ask.

"Cause he regain some part of his memories from his childhood." Yongguk replied.

"Ah! You scared me too! Can you guys stop scaring me!" I yelled.

"Alright alright sorry." Youngjae said.

"Where are the rest?" I ask.

"Still out. They are buying some snacks and food to store here in the hide out. We are renovating this place tomorrow afternoon. You can come over if you want." Yongguk said.

"Oh okay. I'll come." I replied.

"Alright." Yongguk said and went upstairs. I guess he went up to check on Daehyun. After a while, Yongguk came down with Daehyun.

"Gwaenchana?" I ask Daehyun but he just stared at me. After a while, he turned his gaze to somewhere else and replied, "Ya nan gwaenchana."

"Oh alright that's good." I said. We stayed for a moment and finally the rest have finally arrive back.

"We are back!" Leejoon yelled.

"Yah! No need to yell." Daehyun said and covering his ears. I just giggled at his cuteness.

"Oh you are up." Zelo said and ran up to hug Daehyun.

"Yah get off me." Daehyun said while struggling to get out of Zelo's grip. We all burst out into laughter. I am just glad that I am with BAP and SMG again. I do not want to stay in my office all day doing paper works.

Heyy guys!!! Sorry for not updating for a while!! I will try to upload the next chapter as soon as I can😄 I am sorry if u guys found this chapter shorter than the rest😔😔 Stay tune for the next chapter!😁😁 Thank you for reading!!

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