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Chapter 21

Soo Na's POV

"Of course!" I replied. Tear were still falling down my face. I just can't stop the tears of joy. I am so happy to get my childhood best friend back. I helped Daehyun to stand.

"It's fine. I can stand on my own." He said and I let go of his arm. 

"Do you want to tell the others?" He suddenly ask.

"No. Let's just wait." I said.

"Alright then." He replied. We went downstairs and found the rest of Bap and Smg members.

"Oh, Daehyun. You are awake." Yongguk said. 

"Ne." Daehyun replied. 

"Well, what are we gonna do? Our secret base just got burn down." Youngjae ask. 

"I'll ask my boss. See if he could provide us a place to stay." I said and went outside the house.

I waited for Min Hyuk so answer but is just says, "Hi, I am busy right now so just leave a message after the beep."


"Hi Min Hyuk, I need to ask you something very urgently. If you hear this voice message please call me back." I said. I went back inside the house and Youngjae immediately ask, "What did your boss say?"

"He did not pick up." I replied.

"Oh." Youngjae just said. Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I checked and it was a message from an unknown number. It says,

Tell your precious Bap members to meet me at the abandoned building near Kangja's place or else your dear friend Jungkook will die. Oh and one more thing, tell them to go alone. You can't come with them.

I dropped my phone and that caused the others to look at me. A tear escaped my eye. Everyone ran to my side and just threw countless of questions at me.

"What happened?" Leejoon ask.

"Are you okay?" Daehyun ask.

"Who made you cry? I will punch that person." Kangja ask.

At the corner of my eye, I could see Daehyun picking up my phone and reading the message that was sent to me. He suddenly punched the wall.

"Yah hyung calm down." Zelo said.

"Ne. Calm down. Whatever it is, it won't be that bad." Yongguk said.

"How about you take a look at the message yourself! See if you will still say that it won't be that bad!" Daehyun shouted at Yongguk and showed him the message. Yongguk read it and after finishing reading the message Yongguk face became angry. 

"See it is super bad!" Daehyun shouted. I wiped away my tears and said, "Daehyun calm down. I'm fine." Daehyun looked at me and his face relaxed a bit. 

"So what are we gonna do now?" Youngjae ask with a pissed face.

"We are gonna meet that person at the abandoned building that he or she is talking about." Yongguk said. 

"We will go too." Leejoon said.

"No. That person said that we Bap members must go alone. If you guys go too, I don't know what that person will do to Jungkook or to any of us. So you girls stay here with Soo Na while the rest of us will go and rescue Jungkook and see who is the fucking person who killed Soo Na's parents and childhood friend and who has been after her all this while." Yongguk said.

"Arraso." Leejoon said. 

"We will leave at 7. So get ready now cause now is 6.45." Yongguk said and the rest of the Bap members went to get ready. Daehyun was loading up the guns while the others were changing their clothes. 

"Please be safe." I said to Daehyun.

"We will." Daehyun said and kissed my forehead. I looked in his eye. I can't lose you again. Not ever.

Daehyun finished loading up the guns. He passed the guns to the rest of Bap members. Each one have one gun and a knife. 

"Are all of you ready?" Yongguk ask the rest of Bap members.

"Ne!" They replied in unison.

"Then lets go." Yongguk said.

"Please be safe." I said. They just nod and they left. I am so worried. What if they will not be back. No! Soo Na don't think this way. They will come back safe and sound with Jungkook.

Heyy guys! I have finally finish writing this chapter😁😁 Hope u guys like it😀😀 Will be publishing another chapter tmr😄😄 So stay tune😊😊

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