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Chapter 7

Soo Na's POV

I head down to the caferteria, I collected my food and went to sit alone. I started to eat my food when a group of girls came to me.

"Heard that you are new here." One of the girl said.

"Ya obviously." I replied.

"Well want to join our gang?" Another girl said.

"What's your gang name?" I said not looking up at them.

"SMG." The tall girl replied.

"Really?" I asked, finally looking up at, them.

"Ya. Duh." The other girl replied.

"I'll think about it." I said.

"Tell us by the end of the day." The tall girl said and they all left. Suddenly another group of girls approach me.

"Hey what did SMG say to you?" A girl asked.

"Well nothing." I replied.

"YAH!" The other girl shouted and the whole caferteria attention was on me.  Even BAP. Suddenly one of the girl grabbed my collar.

"You want to pick a fight with us?" The girl asked.

"Sure why not." I said and smirked.

"Fine! We settle it after school. Five of us vs one of you." One of girl said and walked off laughing. Well not that I care. Just when I was about to sit down at my seat, one person grabbed my wrist and spun me around. It was Daehyun.

"You look some how familiar to me." Daehyun said.

"What how could I be familiar to you?" I asked.

"I remember. You are the one who saw us beating up the other gang yesterday night right? Well not that I care if you saw or not." Daehyun said. What is he talking abou- Wait. You mean yesterday that was BAP beating up the other gang.

"Are you gonna stay silent and not answer my question?" Daehyun said and glared at me.

"Urm.. Ya that was me but I did not know it was you guys." I replied.

"Hmm. I see that the group of girls started a fight with you." He said smirking.

"Ya. Wait a minute why are you even talking to me?" I asked. When I said that, he snapped back into reality and said, "Ya you are right. Why am I talking to you. Later." He said and went to his table where BAP are sitting. I can finally eat my lunch. When I finished my food, I returned the food tray and I got a call. I checked it and it was from Mr Hyuk. I went to one corner and spotted that there was nobody there so I picked up the call there.

"Yes boss." I said.

"Have you met BAP and SMG yet?" My Hyuk said.

"Yes I have in fact SMG has told me to join their gang." I said.

"Did you say yes?" He asked.

"No. I don't want to make it too obvious so I said I'll think about it." I replied.

"Good thinking. Now if you successfully join the gang and gotten close enough with them, give me a call for now I won't call you cause I don't want to distrub your mission. Good luck." He said and hung up. I checked the time and lunch time left 5 more minutes so I went up to my classroom. I just sat at my seat and took out a book to read. Suddenly someone snatch my book away.

"YAH!" I yelled.

"Did not know that you are a bookworm." The girl from the cafeteria said.

"Just give me back my book." I said.

"Go get it then." The girl said and threw my book out of the window.

"I'll go get it after school." I thought to myself and sat back down at my seat.

"You don't want to get it? Well I suppose you can go get it after school but trust me, you would be very busy." The girl said and went back to her seat.

After a long day in the classroom, school is finally over. Yes!!!! I was about to walk out of the classroom when five girls from the cafeteria grabbed me and bring me to some alley.

"Like I said, you will be very busy." The girl said from my class.

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"We just want to beat you up that's all." The other girl said and smirked.

"Fine then. Time to get this over with." I said and smirked. They all charged at me at the same time. But, I blocked all of those moves. I kicked a girl and she fell backwards. Suddenly, someone grabbed me from behind prevent me from escaping. Another girl punched my stomach a few times.  I swing my head backwards and my head hit the person who was holding me. I kicked the person in front of me too. Two girls were charging at me at the same time at two sides. I just squat down and they hit themselves. I made them tripped and I won the fight.

Suddenly, I heard someone clapping. It was a girl from SMG.

"Wow. You fight good." The girl said.

"Why thank you." I said while laughing.

"So have you thought about joining our gang?" The other girl said.

"Well I have thought about it." I replied.

"So what is your answer?" Another girl asked.

"My answer is, ya I will join" I said and everyone started to cheer.

"We have a new member of SMG!" The girl yelled.

"Meet us tomorrow here at the same place. At 1pm. Tomorrow is Saturday so you will be free right? By the way, my name is Leejoon. The leader of SMG." Leejoon said while smiling.

"This is Minne, Miya, Jaesoo and Kangja." Leejoon introduced everyone is SMG for me.

"Nice to meet you guys!" I said.

"Alright see ya tomorrow Soo Na." They waved and said in unison. I just went back to my apartment. Once I entered, I was stunned. Mr Hyuk did so amazingly. My apartment look so stunning. When I reached it was about 7pm. I went to took a bath to refreshen myself. I went downstairs to the market to buy some groceries. After I was done buying the groceries, I headed home. I reached home, put away the groceries and cook. I ate my dinner, did my night time routine and went to bed.

Heyy guys!!! Sorry for the late update😔😔 I will be uploading another chapter after so stay tune😄😄

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