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Chapter 18

Soo Na's POV

Well I guess now is the time to go out and hunt for some people. Argh I really hard the word hunt but I got no choice. I don't wanna kill anybody. Neither do the others.

"Guys! Get ready! We are leaving in 5 minutes!" I yelled so that everyone in the hideout can hear me.

"Arraso!" The others yelled back at me. I waited for like a minute and they all gathered in front of me.

"Okay so here are the people in the gang that we need to find." I said while passing around the wanted posters.

"All of them are in the same gang?" Yongguk ask.

"Yes." I replied.

"Anyone of you knows where is their hide out?" I ask.

"Me." Daehyun said.

"Alright then take us there." I said and we left. After a few minutes of walking, we arrived at a shop. There shutters are half down and I could see that there is some dim lights inside.

"Well I guess this is it?" I ask.

"Yup." Leejoon replied. I knocked on one of the shutter. We waited for a few minutes, a person came and opened the shutter. 

"Who are you guy?" The person asks.

"Someone." Himchan said and he took out his gun and shot him in the face. Oh my god. 

"Himchan hyung!" Daehyun shouted.

"What? Soo Na told us that we can kill them." Himchan just shrugged it off.

"Lets go inside." I said. I am still creep out about what just what just happened but I just need to forget about it.

When we enter, there is a guy charging towards me but I just shot him in the head. Oh my god, what have I done? I noticed that the others are shooting the other wanted people. After a few minutes, all the people in the shop. Well, time to call my boss then.

"Hey Min Hyuk, we have killed everyone here." I said through the phone line.

"Good job." Min Hyuk replied. I told him where we are and he arrived here in like less than 5 minutes. He took all the bodies to somewhere which I do not know. Inside I feel so bad for killing them, but this is my job from now on wards. I got no choice. 

1 month later

"That's what you get for being on the wanted list." I said to the guy who I shot.

"Please let me go. Just send me to prison please don't kill me." The guy said but I did not listen. I just shot him.

"Wow. Soo Na has become a cold blooded killer." Daehyun said and smirked. 

"Well I think I have gotten used to it." I replied. As usual, I called Min Hyuk to tell him that we have done our job and he told me that he will be here in 10 minutes. When we were waiting, we just walked around and for me, I went outside. Why? Cause I don't want to be in a bloody place. I was just staring at the stars in the sky when I heard someone came out too.

"What are you doing alone out here?" Daehyun asked.

"Just don't wanna be inside." I replied. Daehyun walked towards me and sat beside me. 

"I miss my parents." I suddenly said.

"Do you want to catch the killer?" He ask.

"Duh." I replied and laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" He ask in a confuse tone.

"Well, I was just thinking of what I have been through and I can't believe that I am working as a undercover agent. I want to quit but after what Min Hyuk as done for me, I just can't bring myself to do so." I replied. I could feel tears were forming in my eyes. After a while, a tear dropped down. Suddenly, Daehyun grabbed my face and I turned my face to him. 

"You don't have to cry by yourself anymore or find the killer by yourself. You have me, SMG, the rest of BAP and that Min Hyuk guy." He said and smiled. My face started to turn red. I could just feel it. I turned my face away from him and said, "Thanks Daehyun." I smiled to myself after I said that. You could say that I still have feelings for him but I can't date. Not right now. Maybe after I quit being an undercover agent or a police officer. Suddenly, I hear a car honk. I look up and I see Min Hyuk. He got out of his car and walked towards us. 

"Yah, what are you doing outside in the cold?" Min Hyuk ask.

"Urm... just don't wanna be inside." I replied. 

"Oh okay. The rest of us will take care of this now. You guys can go back to your secret hideout." Min Hyuk said and went inside. After a while, SMG and the rest of the BAP members came out. I noticed that Himchan has a suitcase in his hands.

"Himchan, what is that suitcase for?" I ask.

"Oh this? Min Hyuk told us that we can have half of the money that were inside." Himchan replied.

"Oh wow." I said.

"Lets get back to the hideout. It's freezing out here." Youngjae said.

"Haha alright. Lets go then." I replied and we went back to the hideout. When we reached the hideout, we opened the suitcase.

"Woah there's like a million dollars in here." Zelo exclaimed. We split the money among us. I admit that the hideout looks way more different then before. Well, because we renovated it. We have bedrooms now and the hideout bigger. Some of us share rooms. Except for me. I sleep alone. The others share rooms. 

"Alright I am going to sleep now." I said.

"This early?" Youngjae ask.

"Dude, it is already midnight." Daehyun said and smacked Youngjae on the head.

"Oh haha. Sorry I thought it was only 10." Youngjae said.

"Haha. Its okay. Okay good night guys." I said.

"Good night." All of them replied in unison. I changed into my pjs and laid on my bed. My eyelids are getting heavier and heavier and I fell asleep.


Heyy guys!! Sorry for not updating this story for a while. Here is another chapter!!! Hope you guys like it!! Will be updating another chapter later or tmr!!! Thank you for reading!!!


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