The Truth

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Chapter 15

Soo Na's POV

I woke up and I could feel my whole body was very numb but I can still feel pain. I don't even know what time it is. Why does my life have to like this? I wonder what did Bap and SMG are doing?

Daehyun's POV

Yongguk was waiting for the bank truck to be packed finish. When they were done, he call us through the earpiece and we drive the car infront and behind of the bank truck to prevent them from leaving. The two guards came out of the truck and we go as plan. Himchan Hyung and Zelo are distracting the two guards so me and Jongup went up to them to make then unconscious. The rest of the members just went to take the money from the truck and we drove back to the hide out.

"I hope this is enough." I said.

"We hope so too." Yongguk. We counted the money and we are short of 1 million.

"Got dammit." Leejoon said.

"We have no choice but to go out and rob another bank truck again." Himchan Hyung said.

"Ya let's go." I said and we all left to find another bank truck to rob. After we were done robbing, we got enough.

"Well now we just need to wait for tomorrow." Yongguk said. I was very scared. What did the kidnappers do to Soo Na?

"Relax Daehyun, she will be fine." Youngjae said and I just nod my head. I guess we just need to wait for tomorrow.

Next Day

I was still sleeping until Yongguk woke me up.

"Yah Daehyun wake up." Yongguk said while shaking me.

"Arraso." I said and I got up. I went to do my morning routine and went to the living room of our hide out.

"Well what goes the message that the kidnappers sent you?" Youngjae ask.

"Well it says to meet us at this location at 8pm. Like at the rooftop." I replied.

"I see." Youngjae said.

"Now what do we do now when we are waiting for 8pm? Now it's only 10am." Zelo ask.

"Can we just go back to sleep?" Himchan hyung ask.

"No. Now we are gonna wait for SMG to get here." Yongguk said.

"Alright then." I said. We waited for like an hour for SMG to come to the hide out and they finally came.

"Where were you guys?" I ask.

"There was a gang wanting to fight with us and we did." Leejoon ask.

"So did you guys win?" Yongguk ask.

"Of course we did but it's not the sane without Soo Na." Kangja said and lowered her head.

"It's okay Kangja-ah we will save her tonight." Leejoon said.

"Ya we will save her tonight." I said.

Soo Na's POV

I was just tied up to a chair and let Sam and Simon beat me up. I can't feel my body anymore. I started to lose consciousness but they splash me with water to make me wake up.

"Yah! We are not done with you yet." Sam said and started to punch my face. After they were done, I was left alone in the room again.

"Argh.." I groaned. I was literally covered in blood. Before I know it, I blacked out again.

After a while I woke up when I felt someone is untying me. But when they untied me, I wanted to run away but no use cause they already grabbed onto me and I got no more energy. Sam and Simon brought me to a car and drove off to somewhere. After a while of riding, we finally stop. They brought me up to the roof and waited there for about 10 minutes.

Suddenly the door burst open and revealed BAP and SMG.

"SOO NA!" They all shout in unison.

"Guys." I said in a weak voice.

"Have you brought the money?" Sam ask.

"Yes and here it is." Yongguk threw a suitcase towards Sam. After Sam checked the amount of money in it and he just nod to Simon.

"Let her go now you bastards!" Daehyung yelled.

"Okay if you say so." Simon said and pushed me off the building. Luckily I got some energy left to grab onto a railing. I climbed back up to the rooftop and saw that Daehyun was holding a gun towards the Simon.

Daehyun's POV

When I saw that one of the guy pushed Soo Na down the building, I got super angry. So did the rest of the members.

"You guys said that if we brought you the money and you would let Soo Na go! Not kill her!" I shouted.

"And you actually believed us? What a fool." The guy that pushed Soo Na down the building said and laughed. That's when I can't take it anymore and I pulled my gun out and I point it towards the guy. Suddenly, someone kicked my hand and I dropped the gun. I turned and it was Soo Na that kicked my hand.

"Soo Na I thought-" I could not finish my sentence cause Soo Na cut me off.

"I got some energy to grab onto a railing and climb back here." After Soo Na said that, a lot of police officers came in and surrounded us.

"What's the meaning of this?" I ask.

"Well done Soo Na." A guy said to Soo na. Wait what does he mean by this? "

"Thank you Min Hyuk." Soo Na said to Min Hyuk."

"Soo Na what do you mean?" Yongguk ask."

"Sorry guys but I am working with the police. I am an undercover agent. I was actually gonna find the person who killed my parents and best friend but you guys started to steal so I got no choice." Soo Na said. I feel like my heart is already breaking apart."

"How could you? We were together for 3 years and this is how it turns out? You were part of our family." I said but Soo Na did not reply at all.

"Hand cuff them." Min Hyuk said and left with Soo Na. I just can't believe it. She betrayed us. The police brought us to a bus and we drove off.

Unknown POV

On the phone:

"Sorry boss but she grab onto a railing." Simon said.

"Whatever. You are fired. I don't want you anymore." I said and hung up. Argh I could of gotten her killed but because of Simon and Sam, she is alive. I will think another plan later in the future, now I just need to be careful.

Heyy guys!!! I hope you like this chapter!! Sorry I won't be updating for a while cause I need to focus on my training for now. Maybe I will update another one later so stay tune!!! Thank you fro reading!!

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