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Chapter 16

Soo Na's POV

I am at the police station now getting ready to interview BAP and SMG. I felt so guilty. Suddenly, the door opened and I snapped back to reality. I notice that the first one I am interviewing is Daehyun.

"Just interview him and it will be good. Good job on your first mission by the way." The police officer said.

"Ah ne. Thank you." I said and bowed. The police officer left the room and it was very awkward until Daehyun broke it.

"How could you." Daehyun said.

"I am sorry Daehyun. I got no choice. I already told you just now at the rooftop." I said with a guilty look but Daehyun won't even look at me.

"Have you recalled any of your memories?" I asked.

"That's none of your business now." Daehyun said coldly. I guess I should just type down whatever I know for the past three years hanging with Daehyun and the others on my laptop.

"I will get you out of here." I said while typing on my laptop.

"What?" He ask.

"I will get you out of here." I said.

"And how will you do that?" He ask.

"Give me one month and I will settle things with my boss." I said.

"Fine. If one month you don't get us out of here, don't even bother talking or finding us when we get out of jail." Daehyun said coldly.

"Arraso." I replied. I gather all my things and went out of the room. 

"You can take him back to his cell. I am done interviewing him." I said to the police officer and walked off. I was too absorbed in my own thoughts that I did not realise that I have bumped into my boss which is Min Hyuk.

"Oh I am so sorry Min Hyuk. I was too absorbed in my thought and I did not realise that you were in front of me." I apologised.

"That's okay." Min Hyuk said.

"Thanks." I replied.

"Have you finish interviewing Daehyun?" He ask.

"Ah ne." I replied. 

"Well lets head to my office. I have something that I want to give to you." Min Hyuk said.

"Oh okay." I replied and I followed him to his office. When we reach the office, Min Hyuk went to his safe and get a envelope out of it.

"Here." He said while holding the envelop to me.

"What is this?" I ask while i took the envelop from him.

"Open it. You will see." Min Hyuk said. I open it and inside was a beautiful necklace. 

"Wow. It's so beautiful." I said and took out the necklace.

"Happy Birthday." Min Hyuk said.

"What today is my birthday?" I ask. 

"Yes it is. Yah you did not even remember your birthday." Min Hyuk said and laughed.

"Haha. Its been three years since someone gave me a gift." I said.

"Well what are you waiting for? Put it on." Min Hyuk said.

"Sorry Min Hyuk but I can't wear it cause I am wearing another necklace around my neck. This necklace is very precious to me so I can't take it off. I'm sorry." I said with a guilty face.

"That's okay Soo Na. I understand, just keep the necklace safe and it will be fine my me." Min Hyuk said.

"Thank you so much for the present." I thanked Min Hyuk.

"No problem." Min Hyuk replied.

1 Week Later

Its been one week and I have not of anything that could get BAP and SMG out of here. ARGHH! My head hurts because of all the thinking. I think I should go outside to get some fresh air. I head to the balcony outside my office. Yes I have an office. 

"This is soo refreshing." I said while I stretched out my arms and that's when an idea popped up in my head. I quickly ran to Min Hyuk's office. I swing the door open too hard that it startled Min Hyuk.

"Yah! Be gentle with the door and you almost gave me an heart attack!" Min Hyuk yelled.

"Joesonghabnida." I apologised.

"That's okay just next time don't do that ever again." Min Hyuk said.

"Arraso." I replied.

"So, why are you here?" Min Hyuk ask.

"Well... Urm...." I did not dare to tell Min Hyuk what was my suggestion to like get out of the jail cell.

"Well what? Spit it out." Min Hyuk said.

"I have an suggestion on how to punish BAP and SMG." I said.

"I'm listening." Min Hyuk said and smirked. Did I just saw him smirk? Well forget about that.

"I have suggest that BAP and SMG work for me." I said.

"Work for you?" Min Hyuk ask with a confuse look.

"Yes. We together will hunt down the wanted gang that committed a lot of crimes." I said with confidence.

"Good idea." Min Hyuk said.

"It is?" I ask.

"Yes it is. Okay I will let them work for you but you will hunt down the gang that I want you to hunt first then after you're done with that, you get get any other gang you want. Rule number one is to never fall in love with any of them. Second rule is to kill them and we will dispose of their bodies." Min Hyuk explain everything to me.

"WHAT? K..kill them but that's murder." I said. 

"Well they will be executed any way so you can kill them." Min Hyuk said.

"A..arraso." I said.

"Good. I will let them know and they will be release tomorrow. I will tell them to go to your office immediately after they are release." Min Hyuk said.

"Okay." I said. I hope they will be be thankful.

Heyy guys!!! I hope you like this chapter!!! I won't be updating for a while but if I update tmr then idk😅😅Thank you for reading!!!😄😄

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