The Mission

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Chapter 5

Soo Na's POV

I woke at the sound of my phone ringing. Who might that be?

"Hello?" I said through the phone line.

"Get ready to go to the headquarter, I will be picking you up at 8.30am." Mr Hyuk said and he hung up. I checked the time and it is 8.15AM!!! OH MY GOD I AM GONNA BE LATE. WHY MR HYUK YOU CALL ME AT 8.15AM. I quickly got out of bed, did my morning routine, change into my normal outfit for the day and head out of the door to wait for Mr Hyuk to come. After a few minutes of waiting, Mr Hyuk came and pick me up to go to headquarter. Once we reach the headquarter, we went into a meeting room. Miss Lee is the one who is holding the talk.

"Okay so today I have a mission for 1 of my undercover agent. This mission is about undercovering to be a student. You must join a gang called, SMG. When you joined SMG, I need you to get close with them and BAP. This mission is for Soo Na." Miss Lee said and everyone started to clap. Even Jungkook.

"But what do I do when I get close with them?" I asked.

"We will let you know the details when successfully join the group and get close with them. You can also find out the truth about the incident 7 years ago. You can go and collect some information." Miss Lee replied.

"Thank you Miss Lee I will do my best!" I said.

"Alright dismissed! Soo Na I want you to come with me." Miss Lee said and I followed her to her office.

"Alright you know what to do right?" Miss Lee asked me.

"Ne." I replied.

"Good." Miss lee replied.

"Oh one more thing. The most important rule is to never fall in love with either the BAP members. Got it?"

"Ne!" I said.

"Alright. Mr Hyuk will drop you off at your new apartment." Miss Lee said. I have an apartment? I can live on my own now yes!!!!!

"You need to go home and pack." Mr Hyuk came in and said.

"Come on. I will drive you home." Mr Hyuk said.

"Thank you!" I said. I hopped into Mr Hyuk's car and we drove off to Mr Hyuk's that I have been living for 7 years. Once we reached, I rushed to my room to pack my stuff. I opened my drawer and something dropped. I picked it up and it was a necklace that Daehyun gave me. I wore it as my lucky charm before but I stopped. I am gonna start wearing it again. I out the necklace around my neck and started to pack all my clothes. When I packed all of my stuff, I look at my room on last time and left the house to Mr Hyuk's car. Mr Hyuk put my suitcase into his car and we drove to my apartment. It was a long ride. I put on my earpiece and listen to some 2pm songs. After like an hour we reached my apartment. Mr Hyuk brought my suitcase up to my apartment room and left it there.

"I will sent you some furnitures too so don't worry. I have already painted your room and made you bed so your bedroom is complete. It's just the living room and kitchen and the other extra bedroom that needs work. I will be here fixing your apartment when you are in school tomorrow." Mr Hyuk said.

"Arasso." I replied.

"Your school time starts at 7am." Mr Hyuk said and he left. Well all I need to do is unpack my stuff. After I have finish unpacking my stuff it was already 8pm. Well it is time for dinned then. I went downstairs to buy some food to eat. After I was done buying food, I noticed that group of boys are beating up another group of boys no it was mans. I was just standing there until one of the boy turned around and caught me staring. I snapped out of it and ran to my apartment.

"What was that?" I thought to myself. Luckily they did not ran after me. I started to eat my dinner and suddenly someone knocked on my door. Should I open the door? It may be the man that tried to kill me 7 years ago. After a while I decided to open the door. When I did, it was Jungkook who was at the front door.

"You scared the daylight out of me!" I yelled.

"Haha sorry. You thought it was some stranger right?" Jungkook said.

"Of course." I said.

"What are you doing here by the way?" I asked.

"Well I am here to keep an eye on you." Jungkook replied while giving me his bunny smile.

"Why?" I asked.

"While Mr Hyuk told me to protect you at all cost when the man appear here at your apartment. My apartment is just next to yours so don't worry." He replied.

"Okay noted I need some peace please." I pleaded.

"Okok I'll go now night Soo Na." Jungkook said.

"Night." I replied and I closed my door. I finished eating my dinner and made my way to my bathroom to shower. After I was done, I changed into my pJs and brush my teeth. When I was done, I set my alarm clock and went to my bed. I immediately fell asleep as soon as my body hit my bed.

************************************Heyy guys!!! I am back with another chapter!!! I hope you guys like it!!!😄😄 will be uploading another chapter later so stay tune!!😉😉

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