A Trap

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Chapter 22

Daehyun's POV

We walked to the abandoned building that the bastard told us to. We knew the directions because we walked past it when we were heading to Kangja's place. Once we reached, we stayed outside for a while before going in.

"Stay alert guys." Yongguk said. We were walking in a circle. Looking around at our surroundings. Suddenly, we heard a scream. We ran quickly to the sound of the scream. When we reached, I saw Jungkook being tortured.

"You bastards!" I shouted. All the guys who were torturing Jungkook looked at us.

"So, you guys really came." A guy said. 

"Of course!" Youngjae shouted.

"Hey hey, no need to yell." A guy said from behind us. That voice. It sound so familiar. I turned around and I could believe my eyes. Same goes to the other members.

"MIN HYUK!" I shouted.

"Surprise. Haha." Min Hyuk said and laughed.

"You were behind all these? Killing of Soo Na's parents and her best friend." Jongup said.

"Well I did kill Soo Na's parents but I failed to kill her best friend." Min Hyuk admitted it. Oh, so he knows he failed to kill me. 

"You are gonna be so dead when Soo Na finds out about this. You trying to kill Jungkook and you are the one who killed her parents." Zelo said.

"Well. If you guys made it out here alive." Min Hyuk said and suddenly a lot of policemen came out of their hiding. There were like 40 of them.

"Its a trap!" Yongguk shouted.

"Oh? Now then you realise?" Min Hyuk ask.

"Well too late. Get them boys I am out of here." Min Hyuk said and left. Jungkook is still laying on the floor, not moving at all.

"We are gonna beat all these guys, save Jungkook and get out of here. GOT IT?" Yongguk ask.

"Ne." The rest of us replied. 

"Put your hands in the air." A policeman said. We all put out hands in the air but Youngjae took out a knife and threw it at a policeman and that's when the gun fires starts. We were shooting some guys near our shooting range. We were doing fine at first but Himchan got shot. I quickly ran to his side.

"Hyung." I said in a weak voice. Suddenly, he pushed me away and he took all the gun fire that was shooting at me.

"NOOOOOO!" I shouted. The rest of the Bap members looked towards my direction. I got up in anger and continuing shooting at any one who is in my way. At the corner of my eye, I saw Jongup got shot. No, no, no. Youngjae ran to his side. In the end he got shot too. NO! All the members are getting shot one by one. Suddenly, a bullet shot through my shoulder. 

"Argh." I groaned in pain. Another bullet shot me in the chest. I was getting dizzy because of the blood lost. Another bullet shot me in my chest again and I fell to the floor. Feeling weak. I looked around at my surrounding and saw the rest of the Bap members were lying on the floor. They were not moving. Is this the end? I could see the policemen were running off. 

I am so sorry Soo Na. It seems like I need to leave you. I smiled to myself thinking of all those memories I have with Soo Na and the rest of the Bap members and SMG. Its been a great life.

Soo Na's POV

I woke up from a nightmare. Its a nightmare of all the Bap members getting shot. I looked at the timing and it was 9pm. They should be back by now. Its been 2 hours already. I went downstairs and saw SMG sitting in the living room waiting patiently. I can see that they are very worried. 

"Why haven't they come back yet?" Leejoon ask in a worried tone.

"They should be back by now." Kangja added.

"Guys." I said. All of their gaze turn to me.

"I just have a horrible nightmare." I said.

"What is it?" Kangja ask. I explained every single detail that I could remember from my dream no, more like nightmare.

"I am scared that it will be true." I said.

"No. They are fine. Maybe they are at a hospital now staying with Jungkook in case the bastard will get him again." Leejoon said. 

"I just need to go to that abandoned building and check." I said and ran off. The rest of the SMG girls followed after me. Once we are outside of that abandoned building, I was very scared that my nightmare will be true. I slowly open the doors of the abandoned building. I opened a little bit and I could smell blood. I quickly opened the door and saw a lot of bodies were laying around on the floor. I just stood frozen to the ground. All the rest of the SMG girls were shocked too. I looked around and saw Bap were laying on the floor too. We ran to them.

"Jongup. Youngjae. Oh my god." I whispered to myself. Tears were already forming in my eyes. At the corner of my eye, I could see Daehyun laying on the floor too. I quickly ran to him.

"No, no, no. Daehyun!" I shouted. Tears started falling down my cheeks. 

"You promise that you guys will be safe! You promise!" I shouted again.

"No this can't be true. This can't be." I said to myself.

"I have already called the ambulance. They will reach here about 2 minutes." Minne said.

"Thank you." I thanked her.

"No problem." Minne replied and walked off to aid the rest of the Bap members the best that she can do. After a few minutes, the ambulance arrived. The doctors who are in the ambulance took all of the injured ones. Including Bap to the hospital. I was in one of the ambulance, holding Daehyun's hand. 

I don't want to lose you again when I just found out that you are my childhood best friend.

Omg! I almost cried when I was writing this chapter😢😢 Here is another chapter for you guys!! Hope you like it!!! Thank you for reading!!😄😄

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