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Chapter 13

Soo Na's POV

"I have fallen in love with you since that time when we fight our first fight together. Will you be my girlfriend?" Daehyun confessed to me. I just froze there do not know how to reply.

"Urm..." I said.

"Will you?" Daehyun ask. What should I say? I don't want to make him upset and I also do not want to break the rules. Arghhh I don't know! It's true that I have developed some feelings for him but I do not want to break the rule. After a while of thinking I have decided.

"I am sorry Daehyun but I do not feel the same way." That's what I said to him and I ran off. I wore a cap and went off.

"Yah Soo Na where are you going?" I could hear Miya shouting from behind but I just ignored her. I was making my way to the hospital to visit Jungkook.

Daehyun's POV

"I am sorry Daehyun but I do not feel the same way." Soo Na said and ran off. She just rejected me. I can't believe it. I walked downstairs and I did not see Soo Na anywhere.

"Yah Daehyun what happened up there?" Yongguk hyung ask.

"I got rejected." I said. I could feel tears were forming in my eyes. What? Why are there tears?

"Oh I am so sorry Daehyun." Youngjae said.

"That's okay. It's not your fault though." I said and tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Argh." I groaned.

"Yah gwaenchana?" Leejoon ask and the rest came running towards me. I saw an image. It was the incident that I saw last time. The fire, the boulder dropping on me. I could hear someone calling my name.

"DAEHYUN OPPA! DAEHYUN OPPA!" A girl shouted. I only could see the girls face. It was the same girl that I saw in my other memories.

"Yah Daehyun!" Himchan hyung yelled and I snapped back to reality.

"What did you see?" Jongup ask and I told them what I saw.

"Oh so that's what you saw." Leejoon said.

"Ya." I replied.

"After that, when I saw him under the boulder and I got him out of there before the explosion of the fire. I did not see any girl." Yongguk hyung said. Yes, that what happened. I only knew that I was under a boulder, unconscious and Yongguk helped me out of the building before the explosion. That's all I could remember of my childhood.

Soo Na's POV

I reached the hospital and I went to the front desk to ask for Jungkook's room number. I made sure that the nurse did not saw my face.

"Oh he is in room 365 and it is on the third floor." The nurse said and I made my way to the second floor.

Once I reached the second floor, I went to find room 365 and I found it immediately. I went in and I could see Jungkook was watching television.

"Finally you are here. I waited so long for you." Jungkook whined.

"Sorry something came up." I said.

"Were you crying on the way here?" Jungkook ask.

"What no way. Why would I cry." I lied.

"I know you are lying. You know that I could see through you lies." Jungkook said folding his arms.

"Ya true." I said and sighed.

"So tell what's wrong." Jungkook said.

"Fine. So there is a guy called Daehyun and I have developed some feelings for him over the years that I have been with SMG and BAP. So today he confessed his love for me and I rejected him cause I do not want to break the rule." I said. I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey don't cry." Jungkook said while whipping the tears away.

"You did the right thing. You know that right?" Jungkook said.

"Ya I guess so." I said.

"So how did you end up in a car accident?" I ask.

"Well I was driving to go back to my apartment and I fell some sharp pain in my neck. I toucked my neck and I could feel something on my neck so I pulled it out. It was a tranquilizer. I started to get dizzy and I crash into another car them crashed into a wall." Jungkook explained everything to me.

"That bastard." I said.

"What who?" Jungkook asked.

"You know the man that I told you about? That man who killed my best friend and my parents?" I ask.

"Ya. What about him?" He asked.

"Well he is back. Now he is aiming for you." I said.

"I am gonna kill him when he comes after you." He said furiously.

"Don't let anyone in here except for me or someone you trust very much." I said.

"Noted." He replied.

"I got to go back. SMG AND BAP will get worried." I said and got up.

"Alright. Be safe." Jungkook said.

"You too." I replied and left. I made it back to the hide out safely.

"Yah where were you? Do you know how worried we were!" Kangja yelled at me then hugged me.

"We thought that you got caught by the police." Yongguk said.

"Glad that you fine." Leejoon said.

"But still answer my question. Where were you?" Kangja ask again.

"I was at the hospital, visiting my friend." I replied.

"Ohh that explains it." Kangja said.

"Where is Daehyun?" I ask.

"Well he is in a depression mode now but he will be fine." Youngjae said.

"Oh." That's all I could say. I feel so bad for Daehyun. I just can't date him. Not now. Maybe when I leave my job as a secret agent and find the man who killed my parents and best friend.

"So, I heard that you rejected him." Zelo said.

"Urm.. Ya." I said.

"That's new." Jongup said.

"What's new?" I ask with a confuse face.

"Daehyun is the most popular guy, nobody would reject him. He changed too. He never fell for any girl. Like never." Himchan explain.

"Oh I did not know." I said.

"Well now you know." Miya said and giggled. Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Sorry but I need to take this call for a while. Be right back." I said and I went out of the hide out. I was just outside.

"Hello?" I said through the phone line but nobody replied.

"Hello?" I said again but no reply. Suddenly, I felt a cloth over my mouth and nose. After a while I blacked out.

What happened to Soo Na?! Stay tune to find out. I hope you guys like this chapter. Thank you for reading this fanfic!!!😄🙏🙇

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