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Chapter 24

Soo Na's POV

It's been a week since Daehyun's death. I did not went to his funeral because I do not want to sent him away. I want him by my side. Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

"I'm coming in." Leejoon said and came in. We are still at Kangja's place.

"You okay?" She ask. I just ignored that question.

"You know you have to eat." She added.

"Don't feel like it." I replied.

"We are gonna go and visit the bap members and you also can visit Jungkook. You coming?" She ask. I just nod.

"Alright get ready. We will be waiting downstairs." She said and left. I got ready. Once I have finished getting ready, I went downstairs.

"Soo Na!!" Kangja exclaimed and ran towards me to hug me.

"All of us were worried that you would not come with my us." Minne said.

"I am so sorry that I made you guys worry." I apologised. All of us did a group hug and head to the hospital.

When we reached we head to Yongguk's room first. Leejoon sat on the chair that was next to the bed and grabbed Yongguk's hand.

"You gotta wake up." I heard Leejoon said. Suddenly, I saw Yongguk's hand moved a bit. My eyes widened when I saw Yongguk opening his eyes.

"Yongguk!" I exclaimed. Leejoon just sat up and her eyes widened.

"Where am I?" Yongguk suddenly ask.

"You are at a hospital." Leejoon said. Yongguk turned to his side and said, "Leejoon."

"I'll go and call the doctor." Minne said and went off.

"Where are the other members?!" Yongguk suddenly ask. My heart ache when he ask. It reminded me that Daehyun is not here anymore.

"Youngjae is in a coma and Daehyun.... Daehyun... He is not here anymore. But the others are fine." I said and tears suddenly rolled down my face.

"What do you mean that Daehyun is not here anymore?" Yongguk ask.

"He is dead Yongguk." Leejoon said.

"No... no.... He can't be. You are just kidding right?" Yongguk can't believe what he heard.

"We are not. He is not in this world anymore." I said while crying. Saying that, it made me cry even more. Yongguk just looked down at his hands. Leejoon walked up to me, same with the other SMG members hugged me.

"We are here for you Soo Na. You don't have to cry alone." Miya said. Those words, it reminds me of Daehyun. Those words are the ones which Daehyun told me. 

Suddenly, Minne came in with a doctor. The doctor did a check up on Yongguk. After he have finish checking on Yongguk, he said, "He is in a stable condition but, he have to stay here for 1 more week then he will able to go." 

"Thank you doctor." Leejoon said. The doctor bowed and left. 

"I will go see Youngjae." I said and left. I went into Youngjae's room and sat on the chair that is beside the bed. How long will he be in a come for? I wish that he would just wake up now. Suddenly, the door of Younjae's room open and revealed Jaesoo. She told me that all the rest of Bap members have woken up. I quickly got up and went to see the rest of the Bap members. We told them about Daehyun's death and they have the same reaction as Yongguk. Lastly, I went into Zelo's room. His eyes was very puffy from all that crying. I guess that he have heard about Daehyun. 

"Hi Zelo." I greeted him. He just looked up at me and tears were starting to form. I walked closer to him and suddenly, he just hug me. 

"I can't imagine how difficult must it be when you heard the news." Zelo said while sobbing.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You love him. Don't you? I always noticed how you look at him. Your eyes were full of love when you were talking to him or you were just looking at him." When he said that, I started to cry again. I broke the hug and told him that I am going to go visit Daehyun. I walked out from his room to find Leejoon. Once I have found her, I ask, "Where is Daehyun grave located at?" She told me it is at a cemetery near our last time secret hideout. I took a cab to go to the cemetery. When I reached, I ask the person in charge where is Daehyun's grave. He told me the grave number and I went to find it. Of course, before I even arrive at the cemetery, I bought a bouquet of flowers for Daehyun. When I found the grave, I set the flowers on his grave. Tears were starting to form in my eyes but I prevent them from dropping. I can't stay here for long cause I don't want to break down into tears. I just walked around the cemetery and I saw my parents graves. I can't believe it. Their grave is just right here. Ever since I was a kid, Min Hyuk does not allow me to visit their graves because maybe the killer will be there waiting for me. 

I looked closely there is a note on the grave. I picked it up and it says,

The killer is the closes to you

What? What does this mean?


Heyy guys!!! Here is another chapter!! I am very sorry if this chapter is very boring to you:( I will try my very best to make the next chapter very exciting!! Thank you for reading!!!


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