In Love?

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Chapter 10

Soo Na's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar room.

"Hey you are awake." Leejoon said.

"Ya I guess so." I replied.

"I'll inform the others." Leejoon said and went out of the room. This is the room that Daehyun was in. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said and the door opened. It was Daehyun.

"So.. Do you feel dizzy or anything??" Daehyun asked and I just burst out laughing.

"What? Why are you laughing?" Daehyun asked with a confuse face.

"Hahaha. Nothing it's just that, I woke up and you came into the room and ask whether I feel dizzy." I said while laughing.

"Yah! Stop laughing." He said embarrassingly.

"Okok. I'll stop." I said.

"Sorry it's ju-" Daehyun could finish his sentence but I cut him off.

"It's okay. No need to apologise." I said while giggling.

"Haha." Daehyun laughed.

"Where did you get that necklace?" Daehyun asked. I was shocked.

"Sorry if you don't want to-"

"It's okay. I was just stunned that you asked me that question. I got it from my besfriend." I said.

"Oh." Daehyun replied.

"He died in a fire." I said and I can feel tears are welding up in my eyes.

"I am so sorry. I should not have ask." Daehyun apologised.

"It's okay. You did not know." I said.

"Argh." Daehyun groaned.

"Yah gwaenchana?" I asked.

"My head hurts." Daehyun said and he blacked out.

"Guys!! Daehyung fainted!!!!" I yelled and everyone rushed up.

"Oh my God." Yongguk said.

"Hurry bring him to the other room." Leejoon said.

"No, he can use this room." I said.

"But." Miya can't finish her sentence because I cut her off.

"No buts. Just lay him on the bed here." I said and I got off the bed. Yongguk carried him and lay him on the bed. I covered him with the blankets.

"One person should stay up here and take care of him." Yongguk suggested.

"I will." I volunteered myself.

"Sure, let us know if he wake up. We will be downstairs." Zelo said and they left.

I looked at Daehyun's face and he reminds me of my best friend Daehyun. I thought he was my best friend Daehyun but I guess not. I was starting to get sleepy. Before I know it, I fell asleep.

Daehyun's POV

"He died in a fire." Soo Na said. I can see that tears were forming in her eyes.

"I am so sorry. I should not have ask." I apologised.

"It's okay. You did not know." Soo Na replied. I am glad that she is understanding. Suddenly I felt my head hurts again.

"Argh." I groaned.

"Yah gwaenchana?" Soo Na asked.

"My head hurts." That's all I could say before I blacked out. I woke up and I can feel someone was grabbing my hand. I looked and it was Soo Na. She was sweating a lot.

"No stay away from me." Soo Na said in her dream.

"Yah Soo Na wake up, you are having a nightmare." I said while shaking her lightly. Then she woke up.

"gwaenchana?" I asked.

"Ne." Soo Na replied. Suddenly I remembered I saw a vision before I passed out. It was a vision of a boulder was falling down on a girl and I pushed her aside to let the boulder hit on me instead. Weird. Why do I have all of these memories with that girl?

"I'll call the others." Soo Na said. But before she could go out of the door, I grabbed her wrist and spun her around. Soo Na was on top of me.

"W.. What are you doing?" Soo Na asked. I can see that she is blushing very hard.

"Sorry." I said and I let her go. Soo Na got off me and went to call the others. In a minute, all of them came rushing in.

"Yah gwaenchana?" Yongguk asked.

"Ne." I replied.

"What did you see?" Miya asked. I told them what I saw and I can see the Soo Na has a shock face. I don't know why.

Soo Na's POV

Did Daehyun just said that he saw a vision of he pushing away a girl when he saw a boulder was about to hit her but he pushed her to let the boulder fall on him. That's sounds like my best friend. He pushed me and let the boulder hit on him instead.

"Oh. Soo Na. You did not what we were talking about right? Like about the vision and all." Youngjae said.

"Ne." I replied.

"Okay Daehyun lost his memories of his childhood and we are all helping him. But the memories stop coming to him like last year. When you came it came back again so we are very thankful." Himchan said.

"Oh nono don't thank me." I said.

"We must." Leejoon said.

"Okok." I said. I noticed that Daehyun keep on staring at me. When he noticed that I found out that he was staring, he quickly turned his gaze to elsewhere. He look so cute. Wait what? Did I say that? Did I literally just said that? Oh my God. Am I falling in love? No I must not. That's the most absolute rule. I must not fall in love with anybody.

"I should get going." I said.

"Okay bye Soo Na!! See you tomorrow in school!!" Everyone said in unison. When I reach home, I collapse on my bed. Today is kind of weird? I don't know. I started to think when Daehyun grabbed my wrist, spun me around and I fell on top of him. I started to blush. Oh my god am I blushing right now. No Soo Na! You must not fall in love! I'll just get to bed. I did all my night routine and I climbed onto my bed. My eyelids are getting heavy and I fell asleep.

Heyy guys!!! I am back with another chapter!!! I hope u guys will like it!!!! Well I will publish another one later so stay tune😉😉

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