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Chapter 27

Soo Na's POV

I slowly open my eyes. Once my eyes are fully opened, I saw Min Hyuk laying on he ground holding his shoulder. I looked behind me and saw the SMG members, Bap members and Jungkook. Jungkook is the one who shot Min Hyuk.

"If you want any of them, you have to go through us first." Jungkook said.

"Guys." I whispered. Daehyun ran to me, cut the rope off me and ask me, "neo gwaenchanh ni?"

"Ne." I replied. Suddenly, he hug me.

"If anything happens to you, I would just die." Daehyun said and he started to cry. I hugged him back and said, " I can't believe you are alive."

"You were having a hard time right? I am very sorry." He apologised.

"It's not your fault." I said. We stayed like this for a while and suddenly, Min Hyuk said," The 2 best friends have gotten back together again. How sweet."

"Get them boys." He ordered his men. His men started charging at us but SMG, BAP and Jungkook intercepted them. They started to fight Min Hyuk's men. Daehyun broke the hug and said," I have to help them." I just nodded. He ran to help Yongguk who is struggling with one guy. I looked around but could not see Min Hyuk anywhere in sight. At the corner of my eye, I saw him exiting the place. I quickly ran after him. Once I have caught up to him, I grabbed his head and throw him to a wall. He got up and quickly trying to escape once again. I ran in front of him and kicked him right in his stomach.

"You bitch." He said. 

"Call me what you want. I don't really care." I scoffed.

"I am gonna kill you right here, right now." He said and got up. He started to charge at me. He tried to punch my but he failed cause I blocked him. I punch him in the face. He stumble back a bit.

"You will need 100 years more to beat me." Min Hyuk said in anger.

"Less words and more action." I said and smirked. He started to charge at me first. I dodged all of his moves.

"My turn." I said and I kicked him. He fell backwards. 

"Just one kick and you are down?" I ask.

"How did you become this strong?" He ask.

"Well, its your fault that you train me." I ask. I squat down to meet his eye level. 

"You have no idea how much I want to kill you right now. But, I am not a killer and I am not like you." I said and punched him in the face. I used all my strength to punch him and that knocked him out. I went back into the room and I came out. I looked around and all of Min Hyuk's men are knocked out. 

I was looking around for Daehyun and I spotted him with Jungkook. I quickly ran up to him. 

"Daehyun." I said while I back hugged him.

"You startled me." Daehyun said and turn around. We stare deep into each other's eyes. Suddenly, Daehyun kissed me. We shared a passionate kiss. After a while, we broke the kiss. 

"Now on, nobody can touch you cause you are mine." Daehyun said and smiled. I smiled back.

"Awww couples!" Jungkook exclaimed. All of us just burst out laughing.

"Shouldn't we call the police?" I ask.

"I already did so don't worry about it." Daehyun said.

After a while of waiting, the police came. 

"Did you guys beat up these guys?" One of the police officer ask.

"Yes we did. I am a police officer as well." I said and show them my badge.

"Hm.. come with me I have some questions for you." The police officer said and I followed him. 

The police officer ask us what happened so I explained everything to him. We are not being arrested. He told us not to get into any fights to be safe.

"What did they say?" Leejoon ask.

"Well, they won't arrest us. The police officer that I was talking to just now told me that we must not get into any fights to be safe." I explained everything to them.

"So that means we are free?" Daehyun ask.

"Yup!" I exclaimed.

"Yes! Finally!" Daehyun yelled, he picked me up bridal style and spun me around.

"Yah, Daehyun put me down." I said and the rest just laugh at us.

"Hahaha sorry jangi." When Daehyun said, I am blushing.

"Awww we now have a new couple!" Yongguk exclaimed.

"Lets just get out of this place." I said. 

"But where are we going?" Youngjae ask.

"Lets just go out of this building then we see." I said.

"Alright." Youngjae replied. We exited the building and it is already night.

"This place is close to my last time place. Lets go." I said.

"You mean that bastard who bought for you one?" Jungkook ask.

"Ya. Its the only place so we got no choice." I said.

"Alright then." Jungkook replied and we head off. We finally arrived at the place. Once I opened the door, all the dust came out. I was coughing like hell.

"Looks like I haven't been here in like ages" I said. 

"Yup we can see that." Daehyun said.

"Lets just go in. I will clean up the place." I said and we entered my apartment. I grabbed a vacuum cleaner and started to clean the place. After a while, the whole place is clean. 

"What do you guys want to eat?" I ask.

"Chicken!" All of the exclaimed.

"Alright i'll go and order." I said and giggled. I gabbed the house phone and called of chicken delivery. We waited like what seems like ages and it finally arrive. We quickly dig in because we are super hungry. After we have eat finish, Bap, SMG and Jungkook went to sleep. Well except for me. I am too awake. I can't sleep.

"Can't sleep?" Daehyun suddenly ask.

"Wah you startled me." I said.

"Sorry janji." He apologise.

"No no its okay janji and yes, I can't sleep." I replied. Daehyun did not reply and just pulled my arm. We exited the apartment and headed to the rooftop of the building. When we are at the rooftop, we sat down at the edge of the roof. I am not scared at all from what I have been through.

I laid on my head on Daehyun's shoulder. I stare at the beautiful scenery.

"We have been through a hell of a journey." He said.

"Yup. I am so glad that we can leave our peaceful life now." I said.

"If there is any other trouble in the future, I will protect you with my life." He said,

"If you die, I will die with you." I said.

"Hahaha. Sounds like you." He laughed. He stopped laughing and we stare deep into each other's eyes. We closed in and we kissed. 

I love you Daehyun. With all my life. 

This is the end of the fanfic!!! Thank you for reading this fanific up till now!! I hope you guys like this fanfic!!

Well I guess I will see guys next time!!

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